1. To every star that rises and sets
Appearing over the dunes then fading away
١. إِلى كل نجم طلعة وافول
فَيَبدو عَلى الجَرباء ثم يَزول
2. And soon it strides to the gate of its east
With a messenger preceding its rise
٢. وَسرعان ما يَخطو إِلى باب شرقه
فَيسبقه قبل الطلوع رَسول
3. And for the bird no matter how intense its flight
There is descent and after it stroll and wander
٣. وَللطير مهما اشتد في طَيرانه
نزول وَيضعلو بعده وَيَجول
4. And the trees of orchards normally wither
When after luxuriance they are touched by decay
٤. وَتنسغ اشجار الَساتين عادة
اذا مسها بعد الينوع ذبول
5. And in the fire a soul ready for vengeance
When it is met with comfort and lethargy
٥. وَفي النار روح تستعد لنقمة
إِذا ما اِعترتها راحة وَخمول
6. And for the river after decrease a flood don't you see
Its streams if we watered them torrents
٦. وَللنهر بعد النقص سيل الا تَرى
جداوله ان بللتنا سيول
7. Likewise in these lands its peoples
Among them what was said before is said
٧. كَذَلِكَ في هَذي الديار شعوبها
ففيهن ما قد قيل قبل مقول
8. When in them the despot rules with his authority
And leads the innocent, an oppressor and ignorant
٨. إِذا جارَ فيها المستبد بحكمه
وَقاد البَرايا ظالم وَجهول
9. And becomes like Aad or Thamud thus it is
Ruin and these palaces mere hills
٩. وأَمسى كَعاد أَو ثَمود فانها
خراب وَهاتيك القصور طلول
10. And if the turning of nights betrays it then it is
With the one who exhausted it, not lasting
١٠. وان خانَها صرف اللَيالي فانها
بمن اوجدت ارهاقها لا يطول
11. Thus it complains and none hears its wailing
When from it wailing echoes in the ears
١١. فَتَشكو وَلا من سامع لعويلها
اذا رن في الاذان منها عويل
12. Yet it is not content with its life
And does a noble people accept misery?
١٢. وَلكِنَّها لا تَرتَضي بِحَياتها
وَهَل يرتضي بالضنك شعب نَبيل
13. No wonder it extended its gray hair to us
And drums awakened it in the darkness
١٣. فَلا غرو ان مدت الينا خَضيبها
وَقَد ايقظتها في الظَلام طبول
14. And no wonder we shouted and said our rights
Supported by the constitution, it guarantees
١٤. وَلا غرو ان صحنا وَقلنا حقوقنا
يؤيدها الدستور فهوَ كَفيل
15. We rode it before descending and thus
Before descending we have the right to speak
١٥. فَمَرحى به قبل النُزول وَهَكَذا
يحق لنا قبل النزول نقول
16. We sought life's assurances and it was not
Difficult for man to attain and obtain them
١٦. طَلَبنا ضَمانات الحَياة وَلَم يَكُن
عَلى المَرء صعبا نيلها وَالحصول
17. And we went to the constitution with truth and loyalty
We do not waver about it and the truth of right
١٧. وَسرنا إِلى الدستور بالحق وَالولا
فعنه وايم الحق لسنا نحول
18. It is the great lodge so as for its fruits
They are witnessed and as for its shade it is shady
١٨. هُوَ الدوحة الكبرى فاما ثمارها
فشهد واما ظلها فَظَليل
19. And you see reform fluttering in its rhythm
And it gains favor when its trails touch you
١٩. وَبند تَرى الاصلاح في خفقانه
وَتحظى اذا مستك منه ذيول
20. Beautiful like the gazelle's neck, increasing in splendor
In the eyes of a lover inclined toward it
٢٠. جَميل كَجيد الريم يَزداد رونقا
لدى عاشق يرنو له وَيَميل
21. And its gentle impact when it swayed before me
On leaves intensifying their rustling
٢١. وَتأَثيره الورقاء عندي تَمايلت
عَلى ورق واشتد منها هَديل
22. So how many doting on you O constitution
Are opposed by one insolent and rude
٢٢. فَكَم لك يا دستور من متولع
يصادمه ذو قحة وَعَذول
23. Indeed for you in every heart there is affection
And with you among all peoples a friend
٢٣. اجل لك في كل الصدور محبة
وعندك في كل الشعوب خَليل
24. By Allah what empowered you O ladder of ascent
And to the sun there is no guide
٢٤. فلله ما أَقواك يا سلم العلا
وَلَيسَ إِلى شمس النَهار دَليل
25. By you the wound is bandaged, by you right is clear
And from your pure cup the ailing will recover
٢٥. بك الجرح مضمود بك الحق واضح
وَمن جامك الصافي سَيشفى العَليل