1. My loved ones have no love for me, rather
There is a vast difference between their minds and my madness
١. لي بالأَحبة ما لهم بي انما
شتان بين عقولهموَجنوني
2. Until when I grew weary of them towards someone
Who inspires madness in me, they envied me
٢. حَتّى إِذا ما ملت عنهم نَحوَ من
يُملي علي جنونه حسدوني
3. I have no equal or sympathizer for what they attributed to me
Why do people ridicule us when they
٣. لبيك يا مَجنون يا هَذا الزَمي
ل وَمنصفي مِمّا به وَصموني
4. If they were fair, they would either blame or kiss me
So he answered me, they work without guidance
٤. ما لِلخَلائق يَسخرون بنا وَهم
لَو انصفوا لثموك أَو لَثَموني
5. And see not with their hearts but with their eyes
And sanctify their bodies and its pleasures
٥. فاجابَني هم يَعمَلون بلا هُدى
وَيَرون لا بقلوبهم بعيون
6. The life of the villain and the comfort of the tempted
And they crown their heads with thorns and not
٦. وَيقدسون جسومهم ومذيقها
عيش الخَليع وَراحة المَفتون
7. The flowers under their feet in lowness
And they fight the daring of snakes with what
٧. وَيكللون رؤوسهم بالشوك وال
ازهار تحت نعالهم في الدون
8. Is silk to the touch and in color
They laugh when they meet while their insides
٨. وَيحاربون جسارة الافعى بِما
هُوَ الحَرير بلمسه وَاللون
9. Are stoked from each other like an oven
The voice of the crow is uglier and more ominous
٩. هم يَضحَكون إِذا تَلاقوا بَينَما
احشاؤهم من بعضهم كاتون
10. To them than the melody of the nightingale
Say what you want, however you want, for they
١٠. صوت الغُراب شناعة وَتشاؤما
أَبهى لهم من نغمة الحسون
11. Have wronged you just as they have wronged me
That was an hour between two madmen
١١. قل ما تَشاء كَما تَشاء فانهم
ظَلَموكَ ايضا مِثلَما ظَلَموني
12. Among playfulness and madness
And if after it I see any happiness for me
١٢. هيَ ساعَة مرت عَلى نفرين مج
نونين بين دعابة وَمجون
13. Then I am happy with the madman's hour
١٣. واذا رايت سعادة لي بعدها
فأَنا السَعيد بساعة المَجنون