1. She wept for me with tears since when
The archer aimed his arrow at my soul, rejoicing,
١. ناحت عليوة بالبكى من حين ما
بَسَمَ القتيرُ بهامتي مُسْتَبْشِراً
2. She turned away, and her turning became in my bosom
A fire, and my tears became from me an ocean,
٢. صدَّت وصار صدودُها في مهجتي
ناراً وصار الدَّمعُ منّي أبحرا
3. I threw away the quiver, and my limbs do not intend
To settle, and I remained alone in love perplexed,
٣. رمتُ السّلوَ ولا ترومُ جوارحي
وبقيت فَرْداً في الهوى متحيراً
4. I was convinced that her torment was sweet even if
In her love I sell and buy pieces
٤. أيقنت أن عذابها عَذْبٌ ولو
في حُبِّها قِطَعاً أباعُ وأشترى