
Abu Khaled, I thought you would keep my absence secret

أبا خالد ظني لتحفظ غيبتي

1. Abu Khaled, I thought you would keep my absence secret
But my hopes were shattered, disappointment after disappointment

١. أبا خالدٍ ظَنّي لتحفظَ غيبتي
وقد خابَ ظَنّي خيبةً إثْرَ خَيْبَةِ

2. You roam around me at night like an enemy
And you demolished my home, then ruined my land

٢. تطوفُ بنا ليلاً كمِثْلِ عَدُونا
وقَعْوَسْتَ داري ثم خَرّبتَ بُقْعَتي

3. You take me by surprise when I'm unaware
And you overwhelm me until you've torn my cloak

٣. وَتَبْتَزُّني مِن حيثُ أني غافلٌ
وتَجْتَاحُني حتى تناوشتَ طُرَّتي

4. Your intention toward me is other than what I'm inferring
And you drive me until you intend my demise

٤. مرادُك مني غير ما أنا ضامرٌ
وتُوكزني حتى ترومَ مَنيَّتي

5. It is not for a neighbor to punish his neighbor
Even if he doubts him, suspicion after suspicion

٥. وليس بالجارِ أن يُعاقبَ جارَهُ
ولو رابَهُ من فِعْلِهِ كلَّ رِيْبَةِ

6. If you knew my inner thoughts of estrangement
You would show me kindness, and my alienation from you would cease

٦. ولو ترعوي ما في ضميري من الجَفا
لأبديتَ لي لُطْفاً وساءتْكَ غُربتي

7. How many friends I lived with and accompanied
But when we parted, they continued to seek my company

٧. وَكَمْ صاحبٍ جاورتُهُ وصَحبتُهُ
ولما افْتَرقْنا ظَلَّ يَطْلُبُ صُحْبَتي

8. While you antagonize me with what I detest
And you tyrannize me, oppression after oppression

٨. وأنت تُواحِيني بما أنا كارهٌ
وتَسْطو عليَّ سطوةً بعدَ سطوةِ

9. You distance me for a while, and draw me near at times
Perhaps I will be rewarded for my patience in my tribulation

٩. وتُبْعِدُني في طَوْراً وأقْرَبْكَ تارةً
لعلي أنل أجْراً لصبرِي بمحنتي