1. Sa'eed bin Sultan built glory and sublime
With a sharp sword, and turned away hypocrisy
١. سعيد بن سلطان بنى العزَّ والعُلا
بَحَدّ حُسامٍ والنفاقَ أزاغهُ
2. And exposes the stubborn in speech, you will never see
Anyone like him in eloquence if he composes it
٢. ويَفْضَحُ قُسّاً في المَقالِ ولن ترى
شبيهاً له في النُطق إن هُوَ صَاغَهُ
3. If the age of glory lengthens, it is his arm's length
And if the head of pride stands, it is his brain
٣. إذا طالَ باعُ المجدِ فهو ذِراعُه
وإن قام رأس الفخرِ كان دِماغه
4. Whoever desires to attain a fortress in his days
He waters him the canal of death whether he likes it or not
٤. ومن رامَ في أيامِهِ نيلَ مَعْقِلٍ
سَقاه قَنَاةَ الموتَ كَرْهاً فَسَاغَهُ
5. For the glory of Ibn Sultan, for him is the victory and sublime
And whoever God helps him against whoever deviated him
٥. لِمَجدِ ابن سلطان له الفَتْحُ والعُلا
ومن ينصرنه اللهُ مِنْ مَنْ أزَاغَهُ
6. A young man who wishes to fold his hands and cease
And the sun of his glories and the sweetness of his drink
٦. فتى يتمنى الوَكْفُ وكَفْانَ كَفِّهِ
وشمسَ معاليهِ وعَذْبَ مساغِهِ
7. When he defeated his hopes, he rallied his horses
And if he reconquered the sea, its expanse does not end
٧. إذا كَرَّ أملى البَرَّ ضمّر خَيْلهِ
وإن بَرَّ بحر ليس يقضي فراغَهُ
8. He gently rebukes in speech, and he
Is a sword that hits whoever blocked his temple
٨. يُلَكّنُ قُسّاً في الخِطابِ وإنه
لسيفٌ برى مَنْ صَدَّ عَنْهُ صُداغه
9. Praise be to God for the time that brought me joy
At night solitude visits me while the night is secluded
٩. للهِ من زمن خلَّى السرورُ به
تزورني عُلْوَةٌ والليلُ مُعْتَكِفُ
10. Sometimes clinking my ear with the pearl of her talk
And sometimes making me drink injustice so I quaff
١٠. طوراً يُقَرْطِقُ أذني دُرَّ مَنْطِقِها
وتارةً تَسْقِني ظَلْماً فأرْتَشِفُ
11. I lean, drunk from the vines of the cluster
And I pick from the gardens of the cheek
١١. أميلُ مِن حَبَبِ العُنْقُودِ مجْتَنياً
وأنْشَني لرِياضِ الخدِّ أقتْطَفُ
12. She spent the night in the dress of piety, greeting me
As the letter lām greets the letter alif
١٢. باتتْ على ملبسِ التقوى تُصافحني
كما تَصَافَحَ حرفُ اللامِ والألِفُ
13. And negligence has oversights that we were seized by
Passion envelops us at times so we befriend
١٣. وللحوادثِ غَفْلات ظَفْرنَ بها
يَلُفّنا الشوقُ أحياناً فنأتَلِفُ
14. Until dawn came and her separation whitened
And the star in the west above the mountain, recoiling
١٤. حتى أتى الصبحُ وابيضَّت مفارِقُه
والنجمُ بالغربِ فوقَ الجبْل مُنْهَدِفُ
15. She got up to bid me farewell while the fire raged
In our livers and the tears of the eyes drew
١٥. قامتْ تُودِعُني والنارُ تَسْعَرُ في
أكبادنا ودموعُ العينِ تَنْغَرِفُ
16. And for resolve there are stabs in our conscience
And separation became clear to us from its neighing
١٦. وللنوى طَعَنَاتٌ في ضمائِرِنا
والبينُ بانَ لنا من نَعْقِهِ التَلَفُ
17. So she bid farewell and the pearls of dew she scattered
Like the generosity of our master the Sultan that follows
١٧. فَوَدّعَتْ ولآلي الدّرِ تَنْشُرُهُا
كجودِ سيّدِنا السلطانِ يَرْتَدِفُ
18. This is what Sa'eed bin Sultan who relied on him
The lands and the fire of honor and nobility
١٨. هذر سعيدُ بن سلطان الذي اعتمدتْ
به البِقاعُ ونارُ العِزِّ والشَرَفُ
19. If he protected himself with the dust of war
The enemies rejoiced then were defeated and withdrew
١٩. إنْ حامَ يومَ الوغى بالسمر معتقلاً
شمت العِدا انهزما مِ الطعنِ وانصرفُوا
20. He forgives them when they are humiliated and gives them security
But they were shocked, turned around, and did not stand
٢٠. يَعِفَّ عنهم إذا ذلوا ويأمنهم
لكنهم دُهِشوا وَلّوا ولا وَقَفُوا
21. Annihilation befell them when they transgressed and committed aggression
And opposed what the living practice and the ancestors
٢١. حلّ الفناءُ بهم لمّا طَغَوا وبَغَوا
وَخَالفوا ما بهِ الأحياءُ والسَّلَفُ
22. If you smell him masked in the dust of war
His sword flashes to the enemy that it seizes
٢٢. إن شِمْتَهُ بغبارِ الحربِ ملتثماً
فسيفُه بارقٌ للخَصْم يَخْتَطِفُ
23. The sword and the lances testify what his right hand did
As do the pens and the scriptures
٢٣. ويَشْهَدُ السيفُ والمُرّانُ ما فَعَلتْ
يَمِيْنه وكذا الأقلامُ والصُحُفُ
24. His generosity has flowed with the clouds descending
And people in his house seclude themselves for generosity
٢٤. فجودهُ قد زرى بالسُحب منحدراً
والخَلْقُ في دارِه للبَذْلِ تَعْتَكِفُ
25. Eulogies end but the description of him remains, even if
All creation say and describe
٢٥. يَفْنى المديحُ وباقي الوصفِ فيه ولو
كلُّ الخلائقِ ما قالوا وما وَصَفُوا
26. And I ask Allah to keep him elevated
For him towers and lodges are built in the sublime
٢٦. واسألُ اللهَ أنْ يُبْقِيه مرتفعاً
تُبنى له في العُلا الأبراجُ والغُرَفُ