
With fine brocade she is arrogantly dressed,

وشمطاء بالخز الثمين تلفعت

1. With fine brocade she is arrogantly dressed,
And she shoots me with glances from her eyes.

١. وشَمْطَاءَ بالخَزِّ الثمينِ تَلَفَّعَتْ
وتَرْشُقُني من لَحْظِها بِنبَالِ

2. My heart was smitten though I did not know,
That I had replaced a doe with an old she-mule.

٢. فهامَ بها قلبي ولم أدرِ أنني
تَعَوّضْتُ عن شِملالة بِعِقالِ

3. Until she approached me, I lifted her veil,
I glimpsed her belly like a water skin.

٣. إلى أن دَنَتْ نحوي كشفتُ خمارَها
لَمَحْتُ لَها بطناً كمثلِ سجالِ

4. She speaks of the youth she has left behind,
And recalls her endless former days.

٤. تُحَدِّثُ عما فاتَها من صبائها
وتَذْكُر ما في دهرِها المتوالي

5. With many a whimper after every bark,
Mixed with a throaty wheezing cough.

٥. وكم زحرةٍ تُبْدِينَها إثرَ زَحْرَةٍ
وجَرْجَرةٍ مخلوطةٍ بِسُعالِ

6. She tried to embrace me, became excited,
Justifying her affection with absurdities.

٦. وقد حاولتْ مني عِناقاً فاغتدت
تُعَلِّلُ مني صدقَها بمحالِ

7. She tries to rouse the lad while he's asleep,
He's no ape depicted in a gazelle's form.

٧. تحاولُ تنبيه الفتى وهو نائمٌ
ولم يهو قرداً في مِثالِ غَزَالِ