
We passed by a garden, and the riders halted,

مررنا بروض والركائب وقف

1. We passed by a garden, and the riders halted,
And said, "For whom is this adorned dwelling?"

١. مَرَرْنا بروضٍ والركائبُ وُقَّفُ
فقالوا لمَنْ هذا المَحَلُّ المُزَخْرَفُ

2. My master, Ibn Sultan of generosity, replied,
The whole world is honored by his mention.

٢. فقلب مولاي ابن سلطان ذي الندى
سعيد بذكراه الورى تَتَشَرَّفُ

3. I said, "Ask me about all his virtues,"
They all said, "You, without doubt, know him best."

٣. فقلتُ سلوني عن جميعِ صفاتِه
فقالوا جميعاً أنتَ لا شكَ أعْرَفُ

4. They said, "What is the light radiating from him?"
I said to them, "A light - so pluck, if you wish -

٤. فقالوا وما النُوْرُ الذي فيه ساطعٌ
فقلتُ لهم نَور فإن شئتمُ اقطفوا

5. Its carnation, bending as if it were
Maidens who had sprinkled on them a fluttering.

٥. قرنفلهُ الرّيانُ مالَ كأنَّهُ
عذارى سقت راحاً عليهن رَفْرَفُ

6. It hangs before the radiant rising moon upon its branches,
And upon its leaves the leaves flutter calling.

٦. سموطُ لآلي الطَّلِ فوقَ غُصونِهِ
وتهوي على أوراقهِ الورق تَهْتِفُ

7. Shade covers it from every side,
The spring's eye and tears have watered it.

٧. يفيء عليه الظِّلُ من كلِّ جانبٍ
وَرَوَّتْهُ عينُ المُزْنِ والدَّمْعُ وكَّفُ

8. If the ambitious knew his superiority,
They would all head towards him and make effort.

٨. ولو عَلِمَ الساعونَ طُرّاً بِفَضْلِه
لجأوا جميعاً نحوَه وتَكَلَّفُوا

9. If the living claimed ownership of him,
The law with truth would appraise.

٩. ولو أن في الأحياءِ عاداً ليَدَّعي
تَمَلُّكَه والشَّرْعُ بالحقِ يُنْصَف

10. And he threw upon it wondrous eulogies -
Praises from the sea of poetry I drew up.

١٠. وألقى عليه بالقريضِ غَرائباً
مدائحَ من بحرِ القريحةِ أغرُفُ

11. And I follow the path of the ancients' eulogies,
Yet from the remnants of the Ignorance I am raucous."

١١. وأسْلُكُ نَهْجَ السالفينَ قريضَهم
ولي مِن بقايا الجاهليةِ عَجْرَفُ