
The mother of Sa'd has forsaken me, and her love

لقد هجرتني أم سعد وحبها

1. The mother of Sa'd has forsaken me, and her love
Creeps through my limbs, flowing like her blood.

١. لَقَد هَجَرتْني أمُّ سَعْدٍ وحُبُّها
يَدِبُّ بأعضائي دَبِيْبَ دِماهَا

2. Love has burdened me with unasked duties -
And her disdain has made love's burden heavier.

٢. وقَدْ حَمّلتْني الحُبَّ حَمْلَ تَكَلُّفٍ
وزَادَتْ ثَقِيلَ الحُبِّ حَمْلَ جِفاها

3. O you who rebuke me for passion, taste but one draught of it,
And chide me away from loving her, if you can.

٣. أيا عاذلي في العشق ذُقْ مِنهُ جَرْعةً
وعَنِّفني عن حُبِّها وَهُداها

4. You give me advice, though your advice kills me.
My soul is deaf to all who cry out to it.

٤. وتُظْهِر لي نُصْحاً ونُصْحُكَ قاتلي
ونَفْسي صُدُوْدُ الباكرينَ شَجَاها

5. I hope not for joy, being a true lover,
Were I to taste the water of life itself.

٥. ولا أرتَجِي السُّلوانَ إذْ أنا عاشِقٌ
حقيقةَ عِشْقٍ لو رَشَفْتُ لَمَاها

6. So mighty is my passion, so great my sigh,
So long my yearning and my thought of her.

٦. فلي من عَظِيم الشوقِ أعظمُ أنَّةً
ولي حَنَّةٌ مَعْ بُعْدِها وَنَواهَا

7. Alone in the world I have loved, not knowing
Its ways, its earth, its firmament.

٧. تَفَرَّدْت في الدُّنيا بِعِشْقي عن الورى
ولم أنْتَبِهْ في أرضِها وسَماهَا

8. Men have learned from my suffering to weep,
And she, compelled, from my blindness.

٨. تَعَلَّمَ أهلُ الأرضِ مِنْ مُقْلَتي البُكى
وَلَوْ أنَّها مُضْطَرةٌ بِعَمَاها

9. My ribs are warped by burning,
My spirit is dazed with remembrance.

٩. ضُلوعي من الإحْراقِ قامَ اعوجاجُها
وروحي من التَذْكار زادَ عَناهَا

10. My soul for loss of her is murdered.
When the hour of her departure struck.

١٠. ونفسي من الفرقاءِ أضْحَتْ قَتِيلةً
على أمِّ سَعْدٍ حِينَ حان سُداها

11. She wanders still through my imagination,
Changing my joy to grief, my weal to woe.

١١. تجوبُ بها شِملالةٌ كُلَّ مَهْمةٍ
بتقليبِ يُمْنَاها ومَحْوِ بُراها

12. Those who once nested on her boughs lament
Since she forsook her home and strayed afar.

١٢. ذوي غُصُني مُذْ بَان بالحَيِّ ظَعْنُهُم
وَتَرْخُصُ دارٌ من بُعَيْدِ غَلاها

13. Never again will her breast press mine,
Or her lips - once - kiss my lips.

١٣. فلا لَزَّ صدري صَدرها يوم رَوَّحتْ
ولا شَفَتي قَدْ قَبَّلَتْ شَفَتاها