1. He calls to whom the dew and goodness spread
And people flock to him barefoot and riding
١. نادٍ عليه الندى والخَيْرُ مُنْبَسطٌ
والخَلْقُ تَقْصُدُهُ حافٍ وَمُنْتَعِلُ
2. The Most High exalted his name
So his might and stature became proverbial
٢. أعْلا سَمَاه عليّ ذو العُلا فغَدا
بعزِّهِ وسَنَاه يُضْرَبُ المَثَلُ
3. Scion of Sa’d, auspicious, and his leadership
Now flames with splendor, luminous
٣. سليلُ مسعودَ مسعودٌ وقد ظَهَرتْ
فيه الرِياسةُ بالأنوار تشتعل