
A paradise promised to the hopeful,

مسلم للراجين يمناه جنة

1. A paradise promised to the hopeful,
And flaming fire for his enemies.

١. مُسلَّمُ للراجينَ يُمناهُ جَنَّة
ونار على أعدائِه تَتَسَعَّرُ

2. Descendant of Ubayd, son of Salem, his palm
Adorns the necks of people like a shining necklace.

٢. سليلُ عُبَيْدٍ نَجْلُ سالم كَفُّه
له في رقاب الناسِ طوقٌ مُنَوَّرُ

3. Always smiling when hosting guests,
Cheerful and radiant, never changing.

٣. كثير ابتسامٍ عند نُزْلِ ضيوفه
وفي الروعِ وضَّاحٍ فلا يتغيرُ

4. He embodied all the virtues and fame,
Since mentioned, the excelling one shines.

٤. حوى خصلَ الخيراتِ والذكرِ كلِّهِ
وقد فَضَحَ الطائيَّ من حين يُذكَرُ

5. Through him the glorious are known, praised is his lineage,
Through him wrongs are forgiven, for him sins vanish.

٥. به تُعرف للجُليَّ له يُنْسَبُ الثَنا
له اشتهر الجدوى لهُ الذنبُ يُغْفَرُ

6. Clement and merciful, virtuous and generous,
His palms rain clouds over all people.

٦. حليمٌ رحيمٌ فاضلٌ متكرِمٌ
سحائبُ كَفَّيْهِ على الكُلِ تُمْطِرُ

7. He is the Forgiving, the Comforter whom
Endless gifts are spread upon people.

٧. هو الغافريُّ الأريحيُّ الذي له
مواهبُ لا تُحصى على الخَلْق تُنْشَرُ

8. He is the supreme refuge, the cave in which
The pure spring, from which no impurity flows.

٨. هو الملجأ السامي هو الكَهَفُ الذي
هو الموردُ الصافي فلا يتكدر

9. His days are eves that with his smile
Illuminate, and the world flowers and glows.

٩. وأيامُهُ غرّ يُضِئ ابتسامُها
بطلعتهِ الدنيا تَنُورُ وتزهر