
Try to make up for what you have wasted after gaining experience

تدارك ما ضيعت من بعد خبرة

1. Try to make up for what you have wasted after gaining experience
While you are wary and experienced in matters

١. تَدارَكَ مَا ضَيّعْتَ مِن بَعْدِ خِبْرَةٍ
وأنتَ أَرِيبٌ بالأُمُورِ خَبيرُ

2. Goodness is the son of him who was before him
When death goes where it goes

٢. أَمَا حَسَنٌ فابنُ الذي كانَ قَبْلَهُ
إذا سَارَ الموتُ حَيْثُ يَسِيرُ

3. Does the vine ever bear anything but its like?
So this is Goodness, similar and matched to him

٣. وهَل يَلِدُ الريبالُ إلاّ نِظِيرَهُ
فذا حَسَنٌ شِبْهٌ لَهُ ونَظِيرُ

4. But if wisdom and dignity were weighed
Against an opinion, they would say, know he is seasoned

٤. ولكنّه لو يُوزَنُ الحِلْمُ والحِجَا
بَرَأْيٍ لقالُوا فاعلمنّ ثَبيرُ