
Quraysh say when their power waned,

تقول قريش حين خفت حلومها

1. Quraysh say when their power waned,
"We think Ibn Hind's son seeks Ibn Ja'far."

١. تَقُولُ قُريشٌ حِينَ خَفّتْ حُلُومُهَا
نَظُنُّ ابنَ هِنْدٍ هَائِباً لابنِ جَعْفَرِ

2. So he pays off thousands upon thousands of debts
And his needs are met, none delayed.

٢. فمِنْ ثَمّ يَقْضِي أَلْفِ أَلْفٍ دُيُونَهُ
وحَاجَتُهُ مَقْضِيّةٌ لم تُؤَخَّرِ

3. So I said, "Spare me! Not father of your father!
None of you can repay him but the one-eyed."

٣. فَقُلْتُ دَعُوا لي لا أَبا لأَبِيكُمُ
فما مِنْكُمُ قَيْضٌ لَهُ غيرُ أَعْوَرِ

4. Is he not the young man of Bat'ha you deny?
The first whose cheeks my sword's edge caressed?

٤. أَلَيْسَ فَتَى البَطْحَاءِ مَا تُنْكِرونَهُ
وأَوّلَ مَنْ أُثْنِي بِتَفُواهُ خِنْصَرِي

5. Abu Ja'far had led his people,
None aided him in war but Haydar.

٥. وكان أبو جَعْفَر قد سادَ قَوْمَهُ
ولم يَكُ في الحَرْبِ العَوانِ بِحَيْدَرِ

6. Thousands upon thousands - hush! - for Ibn Ja'far,
Many they are! Their like to me's no shame.

٦. فَما أَلْفُ ألفٍ فاسْكُتُوا لابنِ جَعْفَرٍ
كثيرٌ ولا أَمْثَالُها لي بمُنْكَرِ

7. Envy him not, act as he acted,
You'll never catch him, wherever he appeared.

٧. ولا تَحْسُدُوهُ وافْعَلُوا كَفِعَالِهِ
ولن تُدْرِكُوهُ كُلّ مَمْشَى وَمَحْضَرِ