
He who called his servant from Mount Sinai

أما والذي نادى من الطور عبده

1. He who called his servant from Mount Sinai
With a summons heard and obeyed,

١. أَمَا والذي نادى مِنَ الطّورِ عَبْدَهُ
نِداءً سَميعاً فاستجابَ وسَلّمَا

2. Had I not Allah, save Him naught else exists,
Blessed be my Lord, the Sublime, that I am steadfast.

٢. لق كِدْتُ لولا الله لا شيءَ غيرُهُ
تبارَكَ رَبّي ذو العلي أنْ أُصمِّمَا

3. But I have seen in dreams both wisdom and reproof,
And the wise man has spoken with wisdom on this matter.

٣. ولكِنّني رَوّيتُ في الحِلْمِ والنُّهَى
وقَدْ قال فيه ذو المقال فَأَحكما