1. Alas, O Amr, before the arrow strikes,
You have erred in judgment, O Aqil.
١. أَلاَ يا عمرو عمرو قَبيلِ سَهْمٍ
لقد أخطأتَ رأيكَ في عَقيلِ
2. You were stung by a deaf adder
As I search - where can the tribe be found?
٢. بُليتَ بِحَيّةٍ صَمّاءَ باتَتْ
تَلَفّتُ أينَ مُلْتَمَسُ القبيلِ
3. With an eye piercing the horizon in a glance
And fangs unleashed like a smooth file.
٣. بِعَيْنٍ تَنْفُذُ البيداءَ لحظاً
ونابٍ غيرِ موصولٍ كليلِ
4. The Quraysh used to translate it for him
Based on the blindness of saying and telling.
٤. وقد كانتْ تُرَجِّمُهُ قريشٌ
على عَمياءَ مِنْ قالٍ وقيلِ
5. Alas! Praiseworthy is my father Yazid
For the tumultuous affair and momentous event.
٥. أَلاَ للهِ درُّ أبي يَزيدٍ
لِهَرْجِ الأَمْرِ والخَطْبِ الجليلِ
6. Never have I contended with the like of you,
Nor been confounded by the like of your wiles.
٦. فما خاصَمْتُ مِثْلَكَ من خصِيمٍ
ولا حالوتَ مِثْلَكَ مِنْ حَويلِ
7. You came to me as a visitor and saw
Me, with little wealth, deserted by friends.
٧. أتاني زائراً ورأى عَلِيّا
قَليلَ المالِ مُنْقَطِعَ الخَليلِ
8. So I was generous to you, though your toes
Itched to flee once your wants were fulfilled.
٨. فأَجْزَلتُ العطاء له ودَبّتْ
عَقَارِبُهُ لِسَالِفَةِ الدّخولِ
9. You were ungrateful for much, though I showed it to you,
Scowling at plenty and little alike.
٩. فلم يرضَ الكثيرَ وقد أراهُ
سَخُوطاً للكثيرِ وَلِلْقَلِيلِ