1. I have attempted to translate the Arabic poem into English while preserving the poetic structure. Please let me know if you would like me to modify or improve the translation in any way.
My cousin's son will not diminish
١. وَلِيَ اِبنُ عَمٍّ لا يَزا
لُ يَعيبُني وَيُعين عائِب
2. He berates me and helps the berater
And I help him in adversities
٢. وَأُعينهُ في النائِبا
تِ وَلا يُعينُ عَلى النوائِب
3. Yet he helps not with adversities
His clock hands flow toward me
٣. تَسري عَقارِبُهُ إِلَيْ
يَ وَلا تَناوَلُهُ عَقارِب
4. Yet do not deal him clock hands
O son of your cousin, do not fear
٤. لاهِ اِبنُ عَمِّكَ لا تَخا
فُ المُخزِياتِ مِنَ العَواقِب
5. The disgraces among consequences
Let me help you with the times
٥. دَعني أُعِنكَ عَلى الزَما
نِ وَأُغنِ عَنك بِكُلِّ جانِبِ
6. And enrich you in every side
I'm like your sword in your right hand
٦. إِني كَسَيفِكَ في يَمينِكَ
لا أَلينُ لِمَن تُحارِب