1. I have translated the poem from Arabic to English while preserving the poem structure:
I fulfilled my oath though the messengers refused
١. وَفَيتُ بِأَذوادِ الرَسولِ وَقَد أَبَت
سُعاةٌ فَلَم يَردُدُ بَعيراً مُجيرُها
2. No camel returned though urged by its driver
We protected it from all people together
٢. مَعاً وَمنَعناها مِنَ الناسِ كُلِّهمُ
ترامِي الأَعادي عِندَنا ما يَضيرُها
3. The enemies cannot harm it when near us
So I fulfilled lest I betray my vow
٣. فَأَدَّيتُها كَي لا أَخونَ بِذِمَتّي
مَحانيقَ لَم تُدرَس لِرَكبٍ ظُهورُها
4. Unworn engines whose backs no riders wore
I wanted through it piety and glory in its tale
٤. أرَدتُ بِها التَقوى وَمجدُ حَديثِها
إِذا عُصبَةٌ سامى قَبيلي فَخورَها
5. When a proud tribe of mine acted high
I'm of a living people, when counted their endeavor
٥. وَإِني لَمِن حَيّ إِذا عُدَّ سَعيُهُم
يَرى الفَخرَ مِنها حَيُّها وَقُبورُها
6. Its living and dead see pride through it
Their little ones didn't beg, their seniors
٦. أَصاغِرَهُم لَم يَضرَعوا وَكِبارُهُم
رزانٌ مَراسِيَها عِفافٌ صُدورُها
7. Steadfast, modesty filling their chests
I surmounted the towering Sam and a band
٧. وَأَشوَسَ سامٍ قَد عَلوتُ وَعُصبَةٍ
غِضابٍ حِناقٍ صَدَّ عَنّي نُحورُها
8. Of angry, hissing Ghadab that barred its throats at me
And from a pack of Noisy I fulfilled my vow
٨. وِمِن رَهطِ كَنّادٍ تَوَفّيتُ ذِمَّتي
وَلَم يَثنِ سَيفي نَبحُها وَهريرُها
9. My sword didn't bend at its bark and neigh
The night of ill omen in matters I witnessed
٩. وَلَيلَةِ نَحسٍ في الأُمورِ شَهِدتُها
بِخُطَّةِ عَزمٍ قَد أُمِرَّ مَريرُها
10. Under a plan of resolve bitterly commanded
A royal dome I entered and a horseman
١٠. وَقُبَّةِ مَلكٍ قَد دَخَلتُ وَفارِسٍ
طَعَنتُ إِذا ما الخَيلُ شَدَّ مُغيرُها
11. I stabbed when horses stretched their neigh
I eased its first part with ample Dela
١١. فَفَرَّجتُ أُولاها بِنجلاءَ ثَرَّةٍ
بِحَيثُ الَّذي يَرجو الحَياةَ يَضيرُها
12. Where one who hopes for life, it pains him
And a scene of honesty I witnessed but wasn't
١٢. وَمَشهَدِ صِدقٍ قَد شَهدتُ فَلَم أَكُن
بِهِ خامِلاً وَاليَومَ يُثنى مَصيرُها
13. Through it submissive, as its course is praised today
I see my enemies cower from me boldly
١٣. أَرى رَهبَةَ الأَعداءِ مِنّي جَراءَةً
وَيَبكي إِذا ما النَفسُ يُوحي ضَميرُها