
With the cold of the son of Muzn's water I clothed them both,

وبردا ابن ماء المزن عمي اكتساهما

1. With the cold of the son of Muzn's water I clothed them both,
With the honor of Ma'add when his harvests were counted,

١. وَبُردا اِبنِ ماءِ المُزنِ عَمّي اِكتَساهُما
بِعِزِّ مَعَدٍّ حينَ عُدَّت مَحاصِلُه

2. The nobles of men saw him put first before them,
And they did not find in their honor anyone to equal him.

٢. رَآهُ كِرامُ الناسِ أَولاهُمُ بِهِ
وَلَم يَجِدوا في عِزِّهم مَن يُعادِلُه

3. I was pleased with my father and the two noble sons,
And the horseman of the non-Arabs, his qualities are sweet.

٣. رُزيتُ أَبي وَاِبنَي شُرَيفٍ كِلَيهِما
وَفارِس ذاتِ العُجمِ حُلوٌ شَمائِلُه