1. They came to us at midnight bearing their burdens
No hostage save a steadfast lord remaining
١. ساروا إِلَينا بِنصفِ اللَيلِ فَاِحتَمَلوا
فَلا رَهينَةَ إِلّا سَيدٌ صَمَدُ
2. Walk on gently, for we'll not slip away from you
Though between us is a plain, smooth and pleasant
٢. سيروا رُويداً فَإِنّا لَن نَفوتَكُم
وَإِنَّ ما بَينَنا سَهلٌ لَكُم جَدَدُ
3. The deer you long to hunt has taken cover
Among a herd too cramped for an archer's bow
٣. إِنَ الغَزالَ الَّذي تَرجونَ غِرَّتَهُ
جَمعٌ يَضيقُ بِهِ العَتكانِ أَو أُطَدُ
4. Guardians of the pool of Mādhī in their mail
A band of heroes, thrusting, stabbing and hewing
٤. مُستَحقِبو حَلَقَ الماذي بِخُفرَتِهِ
ضَربٌ طِلِخفٌ وَطَعنٌ بَينَهُ خَضَدُ