1. A captive beyond hope in their dwellings,
Seeking mercy from me, O tribes of darkness!
١. أَبَعدَ بُشرٍ أَسيراً في بُيوتهم
يَرجو الخَفارَةَ مِنّي آلُ ظَلّامِ
2. Never shall I make peace with them while I have a horse,
And a firm grip clasps the hilt of my blade.
٢. فَلَن أُصالِحهُم ما دُمتُ ذا فَرَسٍ
وَاشتَدَ قَبضاً عَلى السَيلانِ إِبهامي
3. People are but flocks, O Lord, led to slaughter,
Carrion for wild beasts or stuffing for arrows.
٣. فَإِنَّما الناسُ ياللَهِ أُمُهُمُ
أَكائِلُ الطَير أَو حَشوٌ لِأَرجامِ
4. They perish while their deeds remain
As though traced by pens on parchment.
٤. هُم يَهلَكونَ وَيَبقى بَعدُ ما صَنَعوا
كَأَنَّ آثارَهُم خُطَّت بِأَقلامِ
5. Wolves prey on him who is without dogs,
And shun the lair of the watchful protector.
٥. تَعدو الذِئابُ عَلى من لا كِلابَ لَهُ
وَتَتَقي مَربَضَ المُستَنفِرِ الحامِيِ