1. The dark forest lions stole a doe's bleat
As she hid her cheek in slumbering lids
١. سَلَبَتْ أسُودَ الغَابِ لَمًّا أنْ رَنَتْ
خَودٌ ظُبَاهَا فِي جُفُونٍ كَامِنَهْ
2. I called to her - what has love's law done?
I complain of love in fear while you are secure
٢. نَاديتُهَا مَا حَلَّ فِي شرع الهَوَى
أشْكُو الهَوَى خَوْفاً وَأنْتِ آمِنَهْ