
And the excuser robbed the gardens of their myrtles

ومعذر سلب الحدائق آسها

1. And the excuser robbed the gardens of their myrtles
And lent them from his cheek the picked roses

١. وَمُعَذَّرٍ سَلَبَ الحَدَائِقَ آسَهَا
وَأعَارَهَا مِنْ خَدّهِ الوَرْدَ الجَنِي

2. So it was as if his orchard and the myrtles of his excuse
Were meadow saffron blooming under the darkest night

٢. فَكَأنَّ وَجْنَتَهُ وَآسَ عِذَارِهِ
طلعُ الشَّقَائق تَحْتَ لَيْلٍ أدْكَنِ