
The wind of south and north did tell

حدتث ريح الجنوب والشمال

1. The wind of south and north did tell
Of China's Yemen, of the north's dell,

١. حَدَّتَثْ رِيحُ الجَنُوبِ وَالشَّمَالْ
عَنْ يَمَانِ الصّينِ عَنْ أرْضِ الشَّمَالْ

2. Of Khuzama's plain, of flowers' spell,
Of shrubs and gazelles' dale as well,

٢. عَنْ خُزَامَى القَاعِ عَنْ زَهْرِ الرُّبَى
عَنْ نَبَاتِ الشِّيحِ عَنْ وَادِي الغَزَالْ

3. Of dawn's brow, of dusk's cheek as well,
Of full moon's face, of crescent's knell,

٣. عَنْ جَبِينِ الصُّبْحِ عن صُدْغِ الدُّجَى
عَنْ مُحَيَّا البدرِ عَنْ فَرْقِ الهِلاَلْ

4. Of light's scent, of pole star's cell,
Of beauty's comet, of perfection's shell,

٤. عَنْ ثُرَيَّا النُّورِ عَنْ قُطْبِ السَّنَا
عَنْ شِهَابِ الحُسْنِ عَنْ شَمْسِ الكَمَالْ

5. Of height's stance, of glance's jewel,
Of flowers' twist, gazelles' soft sell,

٥. عَنْ قَوَامِ البَانِ عَنْ لَحْظِ المَهَا
عَنْ ثَنَايَا الزَّهْرِ عَنْ جِيدِ الغَزَالْ

6. Of lightning's veil, of necklace's bell,
Of pearls' grace, of beauty's citadel,

٦. عَنْ وِشَاحِ البَرْقِ عَنْ عِقْدِ الحَيَا
عَنْ حُلِيِّ الدر عَنْ تَاجِ الجَمَالْ

7. Of lip's blush, of union's musk so swell,
Of cheek's wound, of flirt's signet as well,

٧. عَنْ أقَاحِ الثَّغْرِ عَنْ مِسْكِ اللَّمَى
عَنْ شَقِيقِ الخَدّ عَنْ آسِ الدَّلاَلْ

8. Of soul's life, of vitality's pure well,
Of fortune's morn, of heart-stealer's spell,

٨. عَنْ حَيَاةِ النَّفْسِ عَنْ طِيبِ الحَيَا
عَنْ صبَاحِ السَّعْدِ عَنْ زَيْنِ الغَوَالْ

9. Whoso by separation's ache fell ill,
Should heal with tales of union, tales that tell,

٩. أنَّ مَنْ آيَسَهُ دَاءُ النَّوَى
فَلْيُعَلَّلْ بِأحَادِيثِ الوِصَالْ

10. Or whom by love's pain was made to dwell,
Should cure with drinks of communion, drinks that quell.

١٠. أوْ يَكُنْ أتْلَفَهُ دَاءُ الجَوَى
فَلْيُدَاوَ بِشَرَابِ الإتِّصَالْ