1. He who has not been awed by love's sharp swords
Knows not how lovers wrestle and collide.
١. مَنْ لَمْ تَرُعْهُ صَوَارِمُ الأحْدَاقِ
لَمْ يَدْرِ كَيْفَ مَصَارِعُ العُشَّاقِ
2. If it did not shake you, if you did not see it, ask
About the fever's flash within my pounding heart,
٢. إنْ لَمْ تَرُعْكَ وَلَمْ تُشَاهِدْهَا فَسَلْ
بَرْقَ الحِمَى عَنْ قَلْبِيَ الخَفَّاقِ
3. And listen to the crooning of the doves - their song
Will tell you of my fervor and all I long.
٣. وَاصْغَ لِتَغْرِيدِ الحَمَامِ وَشَدْوِهِ
يُنْبِئْكَ عَنْ وَجْدِي وَعَنْ أشْوَاقِي
4. My flowing tears and burning sighs forewarn
Of being drowned and set aflame forlorn.
٤. فَبِسُحْبِ دَمُعِي وَالْتِهَابِ جَوَانِحِي
أنْذِرْتُ بِالإغْرَاقِ وَالإحْرَاقِ
5. My heavy lids and frowning brow have sent
Yearning itself to those by passion rent.
٥. وَبِسُهْدِ جَفْنِي وَاكْنِئَابِ حُشَاشَتِي
أرْسِلْتُ لِلْعُشَّاقِ بِالأشْوَاقِ
6. For love's my faith, bewilderment my law,
And longing is my pact, desire my flaw.
٦. فَالْحُبُّ دِينِي وَالتَّوَلُّهُ شِرْعَتِي
وَالْوَجُدُ عَهْدِي وَالْهَوَى مِيثَاقِي
7. And craving is my nature, youth my way,
And rapture is my wont, my moods hold sway.
٧. والشوقُ طَبْعِي وَالصَّبَابَةُ شِيمَتِي
وَالتَّوْقُ وَصْفِي وَالجَوَى أخْلاقِي
8. So take my body, rob my soul outright -
What loss to you if you take what remains?
٨. أمُخَلِّفًا جَسَدِي وَسَالِبَ مُهْجَتِي
مَاذا يَضُرُّك لَوْ سَلَبْت البَاقِي
9. Though I've betrayed my soul's sworn covenant,
I would not shame the pact that I have meant.
٩. إنِّي وَإنْ أخْفَرْتُ ذِمَّةَ مُهْجَتِي
لَمْ أرْضَ أخْفَرُ ذِمَّةَ المِيثَاقِ
10. Why then leave my heart fearful and confused
Between betrayal and the trust I've used?
١٠. فَعَلاَمَ خَلَّفْتَ الفُؤَادَ مُرَوَّعًا
مَا بَيْن إخَلافٍ إلَي إخْلاقِ
11. Forgive me, I have erred, so treat Your slave with grace
Have mercy on those souls whom passions chase
١١. هَبْنِي أسَأتُ فَكُنْ بعبدك مُحْسِنًا
وَاشْفِقْ عَلَى المُهَجَاتِ وَالأرْمَاقِ
12. Does not Your servant's dignity appease You enough
That You name him not with "freed" though in the rough?
١٢. أوَ لَمْ تَرِقَّ لِرِقِّ عَبْدٍ عِزُّهُ
أنْ لَمْ تَسُمْهُ بِذِلَّةِ الإعْتَاقِ
13. When union's recalled, this abject soul is torn
Before the shackles binding him are worn.
١٣. دَنِفٌ إذَا ذُكِرَ الوِصَالُ تَمَزَّقَتْ
أحْشَاهُ قَبْلَ تَمَزُّقِ الأطْوَاقِ
14. He weeps for nights of bliss that ended, alas,
Between a kiss's balm and a sweet embrace,
١٤. يَبْكِي لُيَيْلآتٍ تَقَضَّتْ بِالهَنَا
مَا بَيْنَ تَقْبِيلٍ وَطِيبِ عِنَاقِ
15. Where the boughs bent, leaves whispered each to each,
And the blossoms leaned into a floral speech.
١٥. حَيْثُ الغُصُونُ تَمَايَلَتْ أفْنَانُهَا
وَالْتَفَّتِ الأوْرَاقُ بِالأوْرَاقِ
16. O you who've left me, haunting yet my heart,
Why did you not stay, time's march at least retard?
١٦. يَا رَاحِلاً عَني وَسَاكِنَ مُهْجَتِي
هَلاَّ أقَمْتَ لَنَا بِقَدْرِ فُوَاقِ
17. Show me some mercy, tenderness revive,
For kindness is the wont of those who strive.
١٧. وَرَحِمْتَ إشْفَاقِي عَلَيْك حَنَانَةً
إن الْحَنَانَة شيمةُ الإشْفَاقِ
18. And grant me by your nearness some boon, pride efface,
For God loves noble deeds and gentle grace.
١٨. وَمَنَنْتَ لِي بِالْقُرْبِ مِنْكَ تَكَرُّمًا
فَاللَّهُ حَبَّ مكَارم الأخْلاقِ
19. Let it suffice that I spend my nights sleepless,
Restless of heart with burning, streaming eyes.
١٩. يَكْفِيك مِني أنْ أبِيتَ مُعَذَّبا
قَلِق الفُؤَادِ مُسَهَّدَ الأحدَاقِ
20. I watch the stars, whose talk reveals in signs
My lonely nights, the pain my being confines.
٢٠. أرْعَى النُّجُومَ وَهُنَّ أفْصَحُ مُخْبِرٍ
عَمَّا أقَاسِي فِي الدُّجَى وَألاَقِي
21. I question Gemini, speak to its pole
About the two stars rising, glowing whole.
٢١. وَأراقِبُ الجوزاء أسألُ قُطْبَهَا
عَنْ ثَالِثِ القَمَرَيْنِ فِي الإشْرَاقِ
22. To the rain's downpour, its lightning bright as swords,
I send my hot sighs, tears in flooding hordes.
٢٢. وأرَاسلُ الغَيْثَ الهَتُونَ وَبَرْقَهُ
بلظى حَشَايَ وَمَدْمَعِي الرَّقْرَاقِ
23. I converse with the moon, whose song and trill
Echo my purpose or race up a hill.
٢٣. وَأطَارحُ القُمْرِيَّ فِي تَغْرِيدِهِ
بِنَوى يَراعِي أوْ بِهَوْلِ سِبَاقِي
24. To travelers I tell my quest for one
Lost in horizon's haze, vanished with the sun.
٢٤. وأسَائِلُ الأظعَان والركْبَان عنْ
بدري المُضَلَّلِ فِي دُجَى الآفَاقِ
25. Perhaps good news of meeting waits in store,
Or fate's clinch loosens, opens freedom's door.
٢٥. فَعَسَى بشيرٌ بِاللِّقَا وَلَعَلَّ مَنْ
عَقَدَ الأمُورَ يَمُنُّ بِالإطلاَقِ
26. You blame and claim you wish me well, refrain!
Such hypocrisy is fakehood's clearest stain.
٢٦. أمُعَنِّفِي زَعْمًا بِأنَّكَ نَاصِحٌ
اكْفُفْ فَإنَّكَ رَأسُ كُلّ نِفَاقِ
27. Spare me your zeal, reject my wish outright,
You're not tasked with my rescue or my plight!
٢٧. وَدَعِ التَّعَنُّفَ واطَّرِحْ نصحِي فَمَا
كُلِّفْتَ إسْعَافِي وَلاَ إرْفَاقِي
28. For I made clear the passion path ahead
To souls by love so gently conquered.
٢٨. فَأنَا الَّذِي أوْضَحْتُ مِنْهَاجَ الهَوَى
لِذَوِي نُفُوسٍ بِالْغَرَامِ رِقَاقِ
29. Let loved ones know I will remain sincere,
Steadfast in love until I perish here.
٢٩. فَلْيُبْلَغِ الأحْبَابُ عَني أنَّنِي
فَانٍ عَلَى دِينِ الْمَحَبَّةِ بَاقِ
30. I will not turn from one whose heart denies,
At parting's hour, the longing in his eyes.
٣٠. لا أنْثَنِي عَنْ حُبّ مَنْ لَمْ يَثْنِهِ
عِنْدَ الوَدَاعِ تَذلُّل الأشْواقِ
31. Had you but seen us when compelled apart
By love's decree, you would have wept, oh heart!
٣١. لَوْ كُنْتَ شَاهِدَنَا وَقَدْ حَكَمَ الهوَى
بِفرَاقنَا لَجَزِعْتَ من إشْفَاقِ
32. You too would yearn, and for your yearning's ache,
Clouds' lids would rain with tears that crack and break.
٣٢. وَبَكِيتَ مُشْتَاقاً بَكَى لِبُكَائِهِ
جَفْنُ الغمَامِ بِدَمْعِهِ الرَّقْرَاقِ
33. My heart took flight, intellect no more could rein
When things flowed counter to concord's easeful reign.
٣٣. وَهِيَ الفُؤَادُ وَطَارَ عَقْلِي عِنْدمَا
جَرَتِ الأمُورُ عَلَى خِلافِ وِفَاقِ
34. Down my cheeks poured the red of streaming tears,
And down my face their heated flood appears.
٣٤. فَجَرَتْ مِنَ الأجْفَانِ حُمْرُ مدَامِعٍ
حَازَتْ بِسَفْحِ الخَدّ فَضْلَ سِبَاقِ
35. He cried, "Are these tears or blood?" For many a tear
Is blood, when the heart's flames scorch and sear.
٣٥. فَبَكَى وَقَالَ أذَاكَ دَمْعٌ أمْ دَمٌ
وَلَرُبَّ دَمْعٍ كَالدّمَا مُهْرَاقِ
36. I said, my tears reveal upon my cheek
The fierce hell in me; look how blood they reek!
٣٦. فَأجَبْتُهُ وَالدَّمْعُ يُظْهِرُهُ عَلَى
مَا فِي الحَشَا مِنْ شِدَّةِ الإحْرَاقِ
37. Think not the tears just spilled; my heart instead
Melted away and poured in waves they spread.
٣٧. لا تَحْسَبَنَّ الدَّمْعَ فَاضَ وَإنَّمَا
قَلْبِي أذِيب فَسَال مِنْ آفَاقِي
38. O people who pine, is there one who might save
Me from the blows of fate, passions that rend and rave?
٣٨. يَا أمَّةَ الأشْوَاقِ هَلْ مِنْ مُسْعِفٍ
يُرْجَى لِدفْعِ حَوادِث الأشْوَاقِ
39. Can someone douse the flames that sear my soul?
Stem the flood of my tears, help make me whole?
٣٩. أمْ هَلْ لِنَار تَلَهُّفِي من مُطْفِىءٍ
أمْ هَلْ لِفَيْضِ مَدَامِعِي من وَاقِ
40. Can someone heal the first stab of my pain?
Ease the loss of my soul before it wanes?
٤٠. أمْ هَلْ لأوَّلِ لَوْعَتِي مِنْ آخِرٍ
أمْ هَلْ لِذَاهِبِ مُهْجَتِي مِنْ بَاقِ
41. Mend my broken heart, cure lovesickness and sorrow?
Bring dawn after the long night's empty hollow?
٤١. أمْ هَلْ لِكَسْرِ حُشَاشَتِي مِنْ جَابِرٍ
أمْ هَلْ لِدَاءِ صبَابَتِي من رَاقِ
42. Meet me again as reunions have blessed?
My body wastes; these bonds arrest my quest.
٤٢. أمْ هَلْ لِعَهْدِ المُلْتَقَى مِنْ مَوْعِدٍ
فَلَقَدْ وَهَي جَسَدِي وَشُدَّ وَثَاقِي
43. Alas, no sigh relieves when the last meet nears.
No use in anything when the time of parting nears.
٤٣. آهٍ وَمَا آهٍ بِنَافِعَةٍ وَقَدْ
أزِفَ الفرَاقُ وَلاَت حِين تلاقِ
44. If the keeper of hellfire knew what awaited
In separation's purgatory, fated and hated,
٤٤. لَوْ كَانَ يَعْلَمُ خَازِنُ النِّيرَانِ مَا
تَحْتَ الفِرَاقِ مِنَ العَذَابِ البَاقِي
45. He'd make the unbelievers drink Zaqqum's acidic brew,
Though they beg for water's mercy. That is their due.
٤٥. لأذاقَ حِزْبَ الكُفْرِ زَقُّومَ النَوَى
وَإن اسْتَغَاثَ سَقَاهُ كَأسَ فِرَاقِ