
The infant of light has grown accustomed to separation

رضيع الضيا للبين قد طر شاربه

1. The infant of light has grown accustomed to separation
While the old man of night has grayed since his youth departed

١. رَضيع الضِيَا لِلْبَيْنِ قَدْ طَرَّ شَارِبُهْ
وَكَهْل الدُّجَى مُذْ شَبَّ شابَتْ ذَوَائبُهْ

2. And the night is but time itself made weary by its vicissitudes
It is but its usurpation and wonders

٢. وَمَا اللَّيْل إلاَّ الدَّهْر أعْيَتْ صروفُه
وَمَا هُوَ إلاَّ صَرْفُه وَعَجَائِبُهْ

3. Woe to the night from a night whose length makes morn break
Where the memory of passion disputes me and I dispute it

٣. لَهُ الوَيْلُ مِنْ لَيْلٍ تَطَاوَلَ إذْ غَدَا
يُجَاذِبُنِي ذِكْرَ الهَوَى وَأجَاذِبُهْ

4. I sought through it a union whose era had expired
But not every sought thing is granted its seeker

٤. طَلَبْتُ بِهِ وَصلاً تَقَادَمَ عَهْدُه
وَمَا كُلُّ مَطْلُوبٍ يُنَوَّلُ طَالِبُهْ

5. When the dead of sleep revived my watchful eyes
For a phantom that resembled truth in its deception

٥. عَلَى حِينِ أحَيْاَ مَيِّتُ النَّوْمِ نَاظِرِي
لِزَوْرَةِ طَيْفٍ أشْبَهَ الصدقَ كَاذِبُهْ

6. Patience remains falsely quartered, merely there
To graze its pasture and clear its drinking places

٦. وَمَا زَالَ رَبْعُ الصْبرِ زُوراً وَإنَّمَا
لِيَمْرَعَ مَرْعَاهُ وَتَصْفُو مَشَارِبُهْ

7. And I have a benefactor who has badly checked me, though
Good may come from a check at the start of matters

٧. وَبِي مُحْسِنٌ قَدْ سَاءَ صَدّاً وَرُبَّمَا
بَدَا الصُّدُ مِنْ أمْرٍ تَسُرُّ عَوَاقِبُهْ

8. So no union unless its specter brings me near
No separation unless its miles keep me apart

٨. فَلاَ وَصْلَ إلاَّ أنْ يَلُمَّ خَيَالُهُ
وَلاَ هْجَرَ إلا أنْ تُزُمَّ رَكَائِبُهْ

9. And I have a burning liver amid the seas of ardour
Whereupon sail the ships of love and its vessels

٩. وَلِي كَبِدٌ حَرَّاءُ فِي أبْحُرِ الجوَى
تَسِيرُ بِهَا سُفْنُ الهَوَى وَمَرَاكِبُهْ

10. Is there then a shore nearby where may land
The drowner in a night whose stars do not guide?

١٠. فَهَلْ سَاحِلٌ بِالقُرْبِ يَلْجَأ عِنْدَهْ
غَرِيقُ دُجًى لَمْ تَبْدُ فِيهِ كَوَاكِبُهْ

11. O my two friends - would you kindly show moderation
For the distant thing may be brought near by its searchers

١١. أيَا صَاحِبَيْ نَجْوَايَ هَلاَّ تَرَفُّقًا
فَقَدْ يَجْلُبُ الشَّيْءَ البَعِيدَ جَوَالِبُهْ

12. Beware of his coquetry and his eyelids
For they are but his make-believe and his callousness

١٢. خُذَا الحذرَ مِنْ أعْطَافِهِ وَجُفُونِهِ
فَمَا هِيَ إلا سُمْرُهُ وَقَوَاضِبُهْ

13. And beware the tautened bow whose arrows
Have you not seen its glances and eyebrows strike you?

١٣. وَإيَّاكُمَا القَوْسَ المُرَاشَ سِهَامُهَا
ألَمْ تَرْمِكُمْ ألْحَاظُهُ وحَوَاجِبُهْ

14. What is upon one with a beauty-spot on his cheek
If his father was jealous or his kin were upset?

١٤. وَمَاذَا عَلَى مَنْ صَارَ خَالاً بِخَدّهِ
أغَارَ أبُوهُ أوْ أغِيظَتْ أقَارِبُهْ

15. On his cheek is a mole that has graced his form
As the line of the lam graced the hand of its writer

١٥. لَهُ عَارِضٌ في الخَدّ قَدْ زَانَ شكله
كَمَا زَانَ خط اللام في الطرس كاتبُهْ

16. I cried while he laughed loudly - can despoiler and despoiled be alike?
From burning in the chest has sparked its flame

١٦. بَكَيْتُ وَقَدْ قَدَّ الحَشَا وَهْوَ ضَاحِكٌ
وَهَلْ يَسْتَوِي مَسْلُوبُ قَلْبٍ وَسَالِبُهْ

17. And from a tear pouring down the cheek its pourer
My bosom friend, why, when my wings were plundered

١٧. فَمِنْ لوعةٍ فِي الصَّدْرِ شَبَّ ضِرَامُهَا
ومن مَدْمَعٍ يَرْفَضُّ في الخَدّ سَاكِبُهْ

18. Did I lose my money and its pillager gain?
For we are no full moons that whenever I glance

١٨. خَلِيليَّ مَا لِي يَوْمَ نَهْبِ جَوَانِحِي
أخَيَّبُ مِنْ مَالِي وَيَغْنَمُ نَاهِبُهْ

19. Bewilderments roam in it and its mysteries
When will the chaste lad not yearn, having set out

١٩. وَمَا لِسَنَا بَدْرِ الدُّجُنَّةِ كُلَّمَا
أجَلْتُ لحَاظِي فِيهِ جَالَتْ غَيَاهِبُهْ

20. With his dawning place unknown and his setting place obscured?
Give rest to a lad straitened in his love's horizons

٢٠. وَمَا لِلْفَتَى العُذْرِيّ أنْشَدَ إذْ غَدَا
مَشَارِقُه مَجْهُولَةٌ وَمَغَارِبُهْ

21. Who found no passions in love to console him
Whether he draws near he is spurned, and if he keeps away, who?

٢١. أرِيحُوا فَتًى في الحبّ ضَاقَت مَذاهِبُهْ
وَلَمْ يلقَ صَبّاً فِي الغَرَامِ يُجَاوِبُهْ

22. And who retreats from him and who draws near?
However much union calls him, separation opposes him

٢٢. مَتَى مَا دَنَا يُجْفَى وَإن يُجْتَنَبْ دَنَا
فَأَيٌّ يُدَانِيهِ وَأَيٌّ يُجَانِبُهْ

23. So who supports him and who contends with him?
And however much health relieves him, pain returns to him

٢٣. وَمَهْمَا دَعَاهُ الوصلُ عَارَضَهُ الجَفَا
فَأَيٌّ يُحَابِيهِ وَأَيٌّ يُشَاغِبُهْ

24. So who comforts him and who reproaches him?
And however much despair prohibits him, grief drives him

٢٤. وَمَهْمَا شَفَاهُ السقمُ أوْدَى بِهِ الشِّفَا
فَأَيٌّ يُعَانِيهِ وَأَيٌّ يُعَاطِبُهْ

25. So who sides with him and who wars against him?
For the flags of his regiment of composure have been routed

٢٥. وَمَهْمَا نَهَاهُ اليَأسُ اقْتَادَهُ الأسَى
فَأَيٌّ يُوَالِيهِ وَأَيٌّ يُحَارِبُهْ

26. While the troops of ardour have unfurled their banners
And he wakes to find no easy union

٢٦. وَقَدْ هُزِمَتْ رَايَاتُ جيشِ اصْطِبَارِهِ
عَلَى حِينِ جَيْشُ الوجدِ جَالَتْ كَتَائِبُهْ

27. Or dwelling of the beloved that brings him near
For one whose patience is little, no life gratifies

٢٧. وَأصْبَحَ لاَ طِيبُ الوِصَالِ مُيَسَّرٌ
لَدَيْهِ وَلاَ دَارُ الحَبِيبِ تُقَارِبُهْ

28. Just as no patience, unless its gains are wholesome
For not every eye delights in beauty

٢٨. فَلاَ عِيشة تُرْضَى لِمَنْ قَلَّ صَبْرُهُ
وَلاَ صبر إلا أن تَطِيبَ مَكَاسِبُهْ

29. Nor every ear kept safe by its answerer
Not everyone who rode had his steeds returned

٢٩. فَمَا كُلُّ عَيْنٍ بِالجَمَالِ قَرِيرَةٌ
وَلاَ كُلُّ سمعٍ قَدْ نَجَاهُ مُجَاوِبُهْ

30. Nor everyone who came had his vessels anchored
One claims longing who is not longing

٣٠. وَلاَ كُلُّ مَنْ قَدْ سَارَ رُدَّتْ جِيَادُهُ
وَلاَ كُلُّ مَنْ وَافَى انيخت ركَائِبُهْ

31. As one observes the deserted encampment who does not watch over it
So the English translation preserves the meaning and poetic essence of the original Arabic poem.

٣١. فَقَدْ يَدَّعِي الاشَواقَ مَنْ لَيْسَ شَائِقاً
كَمَا يَرْقُبُ الجوزَاءَ مَنْ لاَ تُرَاقِبُهْ