1. The Pleiades, when the hunter of stars pursue them,
Are lamps that shine above a candle.
١. كَأنَّ الثُرَيَّا إذْ تَلاَهَا عُطَارِدٌ
ثُرَيَّا مَصَابِيحٍ زَهَتْ فَوْقَ شَمْعَةِ
2. When they illuminate the stillness, they are
Like pearls thrown by a diver in a bottomless sea.
٢. إذَا مَا أضَاءاَ خِلْتَ مَدْفَعَ جَوْهَرٍ
رَمَى حَجَراً فِي بَحْرِ زَنْجِ الدّجِنَّةِ