1. I wondered at her when she came to know me though she was a gazelle,
And how is it the nature of a gazelle to befriend the desert,
١. عَجِبْتُ لَهَا إذْ آنَسَتْ وَهْيَ ظَبْيَةٌ
وَكَيْفَ وَطَبْعُ الظَّبْيِ أنْ يَألَفَ القَفْرَا
2. And stranger still that she should cast the ropes of her love
For a heart's bird that thought its dwelling-place desolate.
٢. وَأعْجَبُ أنْ ألْقَتْ حَبَائِلَ هُدْبِهَا
لِطَائِرِ قَلْبٍ ظَنَّ مُقْلَتَهَا وَكْراً