
O full moon that has lodged in its chamber,

يا بدر تم في قنا مياس

1. O full moon that has lodged in its chamber,
Who has protected the two cheeks from harm?

١. يا بدرَ تَمٍّ فِي قَنًا مَيَّاسِ
مَنْ صَانَ وردَ الوجنتيْنِ بآسِ

2. Or who said to the branches when they swayed gently,
"There is no harm in your standing still an hour."

٢. أوْ قَالَ للأصْدَاغِ لَمَّا أرْسِلَتْ
مَا في وُقُوفِكِ ساعةً منْ بَاسِ