
I am the horizon for the sun, for the moons,

أنا مطلع للشمس للأقمار

1. I am the horizon for the sun, for the moons,
Rather, a dome for the King, a place of rest,

١. أنَا مَطْلَعٌ لِلشَّمْسِ لِلأقْمَارِ
بَلْ قُبَّةٌ للمُلك ذاتُ قَرارِ

2. If I were not the orbit of beauty and splendor,
No sun would have risen in the sky of existence,

٢. لَوْ لَمْ أكُنْ فَلَك المحاسن والبهَا
لَمْ تَبْدُ شَمْسٌ في سَمَاء جدار

3. I swear, and if it were not for my essence,
I would not have been the captivator of sights,

٣. قَسَماً ولَوْلا أنَّنِي مِنْ جَوْهَرٍ
مَا كُنْتُ مُخْتَطِفاً ضِيَا الأبصار

4. The hands of the planets embellished my garment,
With pearls that were molded from light,

٤. قَدْ رصَّعَتْ أيدي الكواكب حُلَّتِي
بِلآلىءٍ صِيغَتْ مِن الأنْوَار

5. And beauty clothed my robes in the garments of brilliance,
So I went out adorned in the mantle of daybreak,

٥. وَكَسَا الجَمَالُ مَعَاطِفِي حُلَلَ السَّنَا
فَغَدَوْتُ أرفلُ فِي ردَاء نهَار

6. For light is my being, and perfection my braids,
And beauty my crown, and majesty my gown,

٦. فَالنُّورُ ذَاتِي وَالكمَال غَلاَئِلِي
وَالحسْن تَاجِي وَالجلاَل إزَارِي

7. My attributes were perfected and I rejoiced in their possessor,
His traits made flowers unnecessary,

٧. كَمُلَتْ صفَاتِي وَابْتَهَجْتُ بِمَالك
أغْنَتْ شَمَائِله عَنِ الأزْهَار

8. And his smile shone on my horizon, so tell me,
Have you ever seen the dawn at daybreak?

٨. وَانْبَثَّ فِي أفقِي مُحَيَّاهُ فَهَلْ
عَايَنْتَ قَطُّ الشمسَ فِي الأسحَار

9. His qualities point to beautiful deeds,
Like the crescent of Shawwal at the breakfast.

٩. دَلَّتْ عَلَى الفعل الجَميل صِفَاتُهُ
كَهِلاَل شَوَّالٍ عَلَى الإفطَار