
The faces of beauty have disappeared from the statue,

سفرت وجوه الحسن عن تمثال

1. The faces of beauty have disappeared from the statue,
So the mouths smiled in wonder at the new idols.

١. سَفَرَتْ وُجُوهُ الحُسْنِ عَنْ تِمْثَالِ
فَتَبَسَّمَتْ عَجَباً ثُغُورُ لآلِ

2. I have become resplendent like a beautiful girl in her wedding dress,
So the meanings of gentleness have appeared in my forms.

٢. وَجُلِيتُ كَالْحَسْنَاءِ في حُلَلِ البَهَا
فَبَدَتْ مَعَانِي اللُّطْفِ فِي أشْكالِي

3. I have become like the high crown in its position,
So I have attained the supreme station.

٣. وَغَدَوْتُ كَالتَّاجِ العَلِيّ مَقَامُهُ
فَلِذَاكَ قَدْ حُزْتُ المَقَامَ العَالِي

4. Joy is my smile and happiness my companion,
Beauty is my cheek and reverence my birthmark.

٤. فَالبِشْرُ ثَغْرِي وَالسُّرُورُ لَوَاحِظِي
وَالْحُسْنُ خَدّي وَالْمَهَابَةُ خَالِي

5. Numbers are my crown and painting my necklaces,
Engraving is my earring and spears are my ornaments.

٥. والرقم تَاجِي والدهان قَلاَئدِي
وَالنَّقْشُ قُرْطِي وَالرّمَاحُ حِجَالِي

6. I am the one who has been purified of description,
Likeness, resemblance, or statue.

٦. وَأنَا الذِي نُزّهْتُ عَنْ وَصْفٍ وَعَنْ
مِثْلٍ وَعَنْ شِبْهٍ وَعَنْ تِمْثَالِ

7. I have met the destination of the qiblah and kissed it,
So I have attained the kiss and the inclination.

٧. قَابَلْتُ وِجْهَةَ قِبْلَةٍ قُبَّلْتُهَا
فَظَفِرْتُ بِالتَّقْبِيل وَالإقْبَالِ

8. Portray my four honored keeps which
Have been surrounded by a garden given special veneration.

٨. مَثِّلْ قِيَابِي الأرْبَع الغُرّ الَّتِي
حُفَّتْ برَوْضٍ خُصَّ بِالإجْلاَلِ

9. Planets of good fortune in a sky in which
The shape of the crescent has shone in every arc.

٩. أفْلاَكَ سَعْدٍ فِي سَمَاء أطْلِعَتْ
فِي كُلّ قَوْسٍ لاَحَ شَكْلُ هِلاَلِ

10. In each arc, name it after
The descendants of Hilal, who said: "O crescent!"

١٠. مِنْ كُلّ قَوْسِ إنْ تُسَمِّهِ نِسْبَةً
لِبَنِي هِلاَلٍ قَالَ يَالَهِلاَلِ

11. And look at the sides of my courtyard's basin which
Have become proverbs for proverbs.

١١. وَانْظُرْ جَوَانِبَ صَحْنِ سَاحَتِي التِي
ضُرِبَتْ بِهَا الأمْثَالُ لِلأمْثَالِ

12. When I came, its shape became intricate,
Like the division of complexities into complex forms.

١٢. قَدْ قُسمَتْ إذْ جِئْتُ أشْكِلُ أمْرَهَا
كَتَقَسُّمِ الإشْكَالِ بِالأشْكَالِ

13. From each stream, like an Indian sword when it flashes
With the beauty of its edge and polished blade.

١٣. مِنْ كُلّ جَدْوَلَ كَالْحُسَامِ إذا انْبَرى
فِي حُسْنِ رَوْنَقِهِ وَصَفْوِ صِقَالِ

14. It flows gently like kernels and bends
Like the letter noon, lam, or dal.

١٤. يَنْسَابُ ذُعْراً كَالحَبَابِ وَيَنْثَنِي
كَالنُّون أوْ كَاللاَّمِ أوْ كَالدَّالِ

15. From a special garden surrounded by a basin it has adorned,
So it showed you a land on which the castle of perfection settled.

١٥. مِنْ خَصَّةٍ حُفَّتْ بِصَحْنٍ قَدْ زَهَا
فَأرَتْكَ بَداراً حَلَّ بُرْجَ كَمَالِ

16. Its tears flow down its cheeks to fill its basin,
So its brim overflows like pouring sap.

١٦. تَنْهَلُّ أدْمُعُهَا بِوَجْنَةِ صَحْنِهَا
فَتَفِيضُ قِمَّتُهَا كَذَوْْبِ زُلاَلِ

17. Where the arches have gathered and its gardens
Are curves and meanders bent like the letter dal.

١٧. حَيْثُ القَنَاطِرُ ألَّفَتْ وَجَنَاتُهَا
أصْدَاغَ وَاوَاتٍ لُوِينَ كَدَالِ

18. Or where it resembles the bow when it
Shoots its channels with the arrows of flowing water.

١٨. أوْ حَيْثُ أشْبَهَتِ القِسِيَّ وَقَدْ غَدَتْ
تَرْمِي مَجَارِيَها بِنَبْلِ زُلاَلِ

19. Among flowers whose branches have narrated
News of trees and meadows and thickets.

١٩. مَا بَيْنَ أزْهَارٍ رَوَتْ أغْصَانُهَا
خَبَراً عَنِ الأسْحَارِ وَالآصَالِ

20. The flowers appear on the towers' peaks
On leaf towers and in clouds of shade.

٢٠. وَالزَّهْرُ يَبْدُو فِي بُرُوجِ كَمَائِمٍ
وَبُرُوجِ أوْرَاقٍ وَسُحْبِ ظِلاَلِ

21. They are watered from the fountains with coffee
Blended with honey and chainlinks.

٢١. تُسْقَى بِأكْوَابِ النَّوَاعِرِ قَهْوَةً
مَمْزُوجُةً بِالشَّهْدِ وَالسَّلْسَالِ

22. It sways drunkenly so the morning breeze turns it
To the right if a north wind blows.

٢٢. تَخْتَالُ مِنْ سُكْرٍ فَيَعْطِفُهَا الصَّبَا
بِيَمِينِهِ إنْ هَبَّ رِيحُ شَمَالِ

23. Where the fountains have revealed their houses
Like crescent moons with wings of night.

٢٣. حَيْثُ النَّوَاعِرُ أبْرَزَتْ دَارَاتُهَا
هَالاَتِ أقْمَارٍ بِجُنْحِ لَيَالِ

24. Or where their shape in their rotation resembles
Camels cutting through the desert sands.

٢٤. أوْ حَيْثُ أشْبَهَ شَكْلُهَا فِي دَوْرِهِ
نُوقاً تَشُقُّ البيدَ بالإرْقَالِ

25. It flows without traversing distance, tireless,
Unmarred in its course by any weariness.

٢٥. تَسْرِي وَلَمْ تَقْطَعْ مَدىً وَهْيَ الَّتِي
لَمْ تَتَّصِفْ فِي سَيْرِهَا بِكَلاَلِ

26. It has bent and moaned, then set out complaining of homesickness,
Agitated, with the tongues of circumstances requiring it to speak.

٢٦. حَنَّتْ وَأنَّت فَاْنَبَرتْ تَشْكُو النَّوَى
جَزَعاً بِألْسُنِ مُقْتَضَى الأحْوَالِ

27. It has told of the rustling of leaves in its extending,
And has narrated the pains and sorrows.

٢٧. فَحَكَتْ أنِينَ الوُرْقِ فِي تَمْدِيدِهَا
وَجَرَتْ عَنِ الأوْجَاعِ وَالأزْجَالِ

28. O you who look upon my blossoming garden, reflecting
On describing a condition with subtlety!

٢٨. يَا نَاظِراً رَوْضِي النَّضِيرَ مُفَكِّراً
فِي وَصْفِ حَالٍ بِالْمَلاَحَةِ حَالِ

29. Joy and good fortune have come to my courtyard,
So set aside your gaze to see the splendor of my beauty.

٢٩. إنَّ الهَنَا وَالسَّعْدَ حَلَّ بِسَاحَتِي
فَأجِلْ لِحَاظَكَ فِي جَلاَءِ جَمَالِي

30. Partake of the fragrance from the flowers of the meadow
About my fortunate owner, the full moon of perfection.

٣٠. وَارْوِ الشَّذَا عَنْ زُهْرِ أزْهَارِ الرُّبَى
عَنْ مَالِكِي المَسْعُودِ بَدْرِ كَمَالِي

31. A king - when the clouds of his generosity rain down,
They quench the thirst of the living, which craves water.

٣١. مَلِكٌ إذَا سَحَّتْ سَحَائِبُ جُودِهِ
أزْرَتْ بِإيجَادِ الحَيَا الهَطَّالِ

32. And when one in doubt because of his thoughts is confused,
He guides him to guidance after misguidance.

٣٢. وَإذَا اسْتَضَاءَ بِفِكْرِهِ مُتَحَيِّرٌ
أهْدَاهُ لِلإرْشَادِ بَعْدَ ضَلاَلِ

33. And when the crescent appears in the vanguard of his army,
The crescent shines for us in the darkness of night.

٣٣. وَإذَا بَدَا فِي جَحْفَلٍ مِنْ جَيْشِهِ
لاَحَ الهِلاَلُ لَنَا بِجُنْحِ لَيَالِ

34. And when his sword, sharpened for battle, is unsheathed in anger,
His palm suppresses the passions and terrors.

٣٤. وَإذَا انْتَضَتْ عَضْباً صَقيلاً كَفُّهُ
كَفُّتْ يَدَ الأهْوَاءِ وَالأهْوَالِ

35. Peerless, he attained, thanks to his excellence,
The highest praise, beyond all other sayings.

٣٥. مُتَفَرّدٌ نَالَ الزَّمَانُ بِفَضْلِهِ
فَوْقَ المَقَالِ بِعَقْدِ جَمْعِ القَالِ

36. O you who aspires to attain the lofty rank of his superiors!
Fall short, for what is manifest is not like what is hidden.

٣٦. يَا مَنْ يَرُومُ لَحَاقَ شَأوِ عَلاَئِهِ
أقْصِرْ فَمَا البَادِي كَمِثْلِ التَّالِي

37. Who can compare the stars to the sun? And who
Can claim that snakes are like stallions?

٣٧. مَنْ ذَا يُضَاهِي الشَّمْسَ بِالشِّعْرَى وَمَنْ
ذَا يَدَّعِي أنَّ الحَيَا كَالآل

38. Or who measures the full moon against fireflies in splendor?
Or who says: "The lion is like the fox"?

٣٨. أوْ مَنْ يَقِيسُ البَدْرَ بَالعَوَّا سَناً
أوْ مَنْ يَقُولُ الأسْدُ كَالأوْعَالِ

39. You have faltered, while these are paths that have risen up
Too high for extraordinary feats to reach.

٣٩. قَصُرَتْ خُطَاكَ وَهَذِهِ طُرُقٌ عَلَتْ
أنْ تُقْتَفَى بِنَجَائِبِ الإيصَالِ

40. A king whose character has risen above
The station of the ordinary and the similar.

٤٠. مَلِكٌ سَمَتْ أخْلاَقُهُ فَتَرَفَّعَتْ
عَنْ رُتْبَةِ الأشْبَاهِ وَالأمْثَالِ

41. A moon whose light dispelled the darkness of afflictions,
Protecting us, and a full moon held in high esteem.

٤١. قَمَرٌ جَلاَ ظُلَمُ الخُطُوبِ ضِيَاؤُهُ
عَنَّا وَبَدْرٌ كَامِلُ الإجْلاَلِ

42. If he is exalted in the caliphate, his father
Was even higher in rank, in the highest place.

٤٢. إنْ كَانَ عَالٍ فِي الخلاَفَةِ قَدْرُهُ
فَأبُوهُ مِنْهَا فِي المَحَلْ العَالِي

43. With an ambition whose pillars were erected high,
Fulfilling with determination the actions.

٤٣. ذُو هِمَّةٍ رُفِعَتْ عَوَامِلُ نَصْبِهَا
فَقَضَتُ بِجَزْمِ الْخَفْضِ لِلأفْعَالِ

44. With resolves that were sharpened to vanquish any plot -
They are blades flashing brightly when blades clash.

٤٤. وَعَزَائِمٍ حُدَّتْ لِقَطْعِ مَكِيدَةٍ
فَهْيَ القَوَاضِبُ فِي مَضاً وَصِقَالِ

45. No fault in his blessings except that they
Fulfill for you what they promised without delay.

٤٥. لاَ عَيْبَ فِي نُعْمَاهُ إلاَّ أنَّهَا
تُوفِيكَ مَا وَعَدَتْ بِغَيْرِ مِطَالِ

46. Wondrous are they, even though in their justice
They are oppressive in their generosity with wealth.

٤٦. عَجَباً لَهَا وَهْيَ التِي مَعَ عَدْلِهَا
ظَلاَّمَةٌ فِي بَذْلِهَا لِلْمَالِ

47. Bestowing gifts without constraint or condition,
Answering those who seek them without even asking.

٤٧. تُولِي العَطَا فِي غَيْرِ مَنٍّ مُتْبَعٍ
وَتُجِيبُ رَاجِيهَا بِغَيْرِ سُؤَالِ

48. His noble qualities have risen up so high that no words
Can express them in speech however hard they try.

٤٨. شَرُفَتْ مَعَالِيهِ فَلَيْسَ لِوَصْفِهَا
حَدٌّ فَيُعْرِبُهُ لِسَانُ مَقَالِ

49. This is the nobility that is too lofty for
Extraordinary feats to be mentioned in its presence.

٤٩. هَذَا هُوَ الشَّرَفُ الذِي قَدْ جَلَّ أنْ
تُطْرَى لَدَيْهِ غَرَائِبُ الأمْثَالِ

50. From a people who are clouds in times of prosperity, and in
The battlefield's carnage are protectors of heroes.

٥٠. مِنْ مَعْشَرٍ هُمْ في النَّدَى سُحْبٌ وَفِي
نَقْعِ الْحُروبِ هُمُ حِمَى الأبْطَالِ

51. They are the lions in days of strife
And on days of clashing swords they are warriors.

٥١. فَهُمُ هُمُ الآسَادُ في يَوْمِ الوَغَى
وَهُمُ هُمُ الأقْيَالُ يَوْمَ سِجَالِ

52. They have defended the sanctuaries of Islam with shining swords
From which pour down the clouds of death.

٥٢. شَادُوا حِمَى الإسْلاَمِ بِالبِيضِ التِي
مِنْهَا تَهِلُّ سَحَائِبُ الآجَالِ

53. God has elevated their worth and made them
Attain the highest ranks of loyalty, generosity, and grace.

٥٣. اللَّهُ أعْلَى قَدْرَهُمْ وَأحَلَّهُمْ
رُتَبَ الوَفَا وَالجُودِ وَالإفْضَالِ

54. O ruler whom I have described - his rising fortune
And the structure of his success - by the sun and crescent!

٥٤. يَا مَالِكاً عَوَّذْتُ طَلْعَتَهُ وَجْ
ودَ بَنَانِهِ بِالشَّمْسِ وَالأنْفَالِ

55. Say to the one who denies that in poetry
I speak anything but the verified word:

٥٥. قُلْ لِلَّذِي قَدْ رَاحْ يُنْكِرُ أنَّنِي
فِي النَّظْمِ غَيْرُ مُصَدَّقِ الأقْوَالِ

56. The proof has been established against his slander, and eloquence
Has unveiled the gloom of ambiguities.

٥٦. قَامَ الدَّلِيلُ عَلَى افْتِرَاهُ وَقَدْ مَحَا
فَلَقُ البَيَانِ غَيَاهِبَ الإشْكَالِ

57. Leave off listening to the words of one envious of blessings
Who strives - by your father's life! - in ways of error.

٥٧. فَدَعِ اسْتِمَاعَ مَقَالِ حَاسِدِ نِعْمَةٍ
يَسْعَى لَعَمْرُ أبِيكَ سَعْيَ ضَلاَلِ

58. In his ignorance he disputes with one whose does
Narrate what gazelles tell of gazelles.

٥٨. مِنْ جَهْلِهِ أضْحَى يُعَارِضُ مَنْ غَدَتْ
أغْزَالُهُ تَرْوِي عَنِ الغَزَّالِ

59. And he says, boasting, "Yes! I am a source
That diminishes the worth of all things precious!"

٥٩. وَيَقُولُ مُفْتَخِراً نَعَمْ أنَا مَعْدِنٌ
أقْلِلْ بِهِ مِنْ مَعْدِنِ الإقْلالِ

60. Had he any mind, he would have disputed with one who
Babbles foolish sayings and excessive delusions.

٦٠. لَوْ كَانَ ذَا عَقْلٍ لَعَارَضَ بَاقِلاً
فِي عَيَ أقْوَالٍ وَفَرْطِ خَبَالِ

61. He is the envious one - and did you ever hear of an envious one
Succeeding in any situation?

٦١. فَهْوَ الحَسُودُ وَهَلْ سَمِعْتُهمْ حَاسِداً
قَدْ سَادَ فِي حَالٍ مِنَ الأحْوَالِ

62. He is the liar, transgressing and betraying,
Upon whom God has poured the cup of punishment.

٦٢. وَهْوَ الكَذُوبُ تَعَرُّضاً وَخِيَانَةً
صَبَّ الإلَهُ عَلَيْهِ صَوْبَ نَكَالِ

63. The full moon has not revealed to your eyes in vain,
Except that you may know the value of your present state.

٦٣. وَالْبَدْرُ مَا أبْدَى لِعَيْنِكَ عَاطِلاً
إلاَّ لِتَعْلَمَ قَدْرَ قَدْرِ الحَالِي

64. I am the one who has unveiled clearly, without contention,
The paths of darkness for the one who courts the does.

٦٤. فَأنَا الَّذِي أوْضَحْتُ غَيْرَ مُدَافَعٍ
سُبُلَ الظَّلاَمِ لِغَازِلِ الأغْزَالِ

65. In the east and west of nations I have gained repute
For the knowledge of the ingenious art of verse.

٦٥. وَشُهِرْتُ فِي شَرْقِ البلاَدِ وَغَرْبِهَا
بِعُلُومِ آدَابِ القَرِيضِ العَالِي

66. So preserve the priceless necklaces of my poetry; they
Are most precious, and you are most perfect.

٦٦. فَاحْفَظْ نَفِيسَ عُقُودِ نَظْمِي إنَّهُ
نِعْمَ النَّفِيسُ وَأنْتَ نِعْمَ الكَالِي

67. Derive from it every smiling one who has become
Adorned with the attire of sublime praise.

٦٧. وَاسْتَجْلِ مِنْهُ كُل بَاسِمَةٍ غَدَتْ
تَفْتَرُّ عَنْ وَصْفِ السَّنَاءِ العَالِي

68. And welcome it generously, for it has only
Approached you with the most receptive manner.

٦٨. وَتَلَقَّهَا بِالرُّحْبِ مِنْكَ فَإنَّمَا
قَدْ قَابَلَتْكَ بِأوْجُهِ الإقْبَالِ

69. Delicate, it occurs to the mind in the beauty of its perfection
Like a cheek flirting in the gown of majesty.

٦٩. هَيْفَاءُ تَخْطُرُ فِي بَديِعِ جَمَالِهَا
كَالْخُودِ تَرْفُلُ فِي رِدَاءِ جَلاَلِ

70. Why not, when your praise has dressed it in a robe,
Causing it to surpass others in pride?

٧٠. لِمْ لاَ وَمَدْحُكَ قَدْ كَسَاهَا حُلَّةً
فَاقَتْ بِهَا فَخْراً عَلَى الأمْثَالِ

71. So peace be upon you, and the joy in what I have recited -
The faces of beauty have disappeared from the statue.

٧١. فَلَكَ السَّلاَمَةُ وَالهَنَا مَا أنْشَدَتْ
سَفَرَتْ وُجُوهُ الحُسْنِ عَنْ تِمْثَالِ