
The rod danced to the melody of the leaflets

رقص القضيب لنغمة الورقاء

1. The rod danced to the melody of the leaflets
In cloaks like the cloaks of hay

١. رَقَصَ القضيبُ لنغمة الوَرْقَاءِ
بمعاطفٍ كمعاطف الهَيْفَاءِ

2. And the lip of the flower scoffed at the dew drops
So the eyelids of the clouds wept with distress

٢. وافترَّ ثغرُ الزَّهْرِ عنْ قَطْرِ الندى
فَبَكَتْ جفونُ السّحبِ بالأنَواءِ

3. The gardens adorned their bride in a dress
Adorned with the jewels of splendor

٣. وجلا الريَاضُ عروسَهُ فِي حلةٍ
قدْ كُلِّلَتْ بِجوَاهِرِ الأنْدَاءِ

4. And the hand of dawn unsheathed from the scabbard of darkness
A sword that tore apart the state of gloom

٤. ونضَتْ يدُ الإصباحِ من غِمدِ الدّجى
سيفّاً فمزَّقَ دولةَ الظَّلْمَاءِ

5. The sun dressed in rays like a cheek
That appeared in a red robe

٥. والشمسُ سَرْبَلَهَا الشّعاعُ كأنها
خُودٌ بَدَتْ في حلّةٍ حَمْرَاءِ

6. And the drops on the lips of the flower buds were as if
Honey flowed in the drink of the cheerful lady

٦. وَالقَطْرُ في ثغرِ الأقَاحِ كَأنَّهُ
شَهْدٌ جرى في مَرْشَفِ اللَّعْسَاءِ

7. And the river flows in the gardens as the
Destiny of fates flowed in the flexible willow

٧. والنهر يجري في الرّيَاضِ كما جرت
سِنَةُ الكَرَى في المُقْلَةِ الوَسْنَاءِ

8. And the air, the breeze scented it with the fragrance of one
Who rode Al-Burāq to the highest ascent

٨. والجوّ عطَّرَهُ النسيم بِعَرْفِ مَنْ
ركبَ البراقَ إلى ارْتِقَا العَلْيَاءِ

9. Ta Ha, who showed guidance when he erased
The night of misguidance with the white hand

٩. طهَ الذي أبدى الهدى لَمَّا مَحَا
ليلَ الضَلاَلَةِ بِاليَدِ البَيْضَاءِ

10. He who filled hearts with his wise judgment
Praised, not of fear and hope

١٠. وهو الذي ملأ القلوبَ بحُكْمِهِ ال
محمودِ من خوفٍ لَهُ ورجاءِ

11. And He who divided grace with His right
And left in hardship and comfort

١١. وهو الذي قَسَمَ الندى بِيَمِينِه
وَشِمَالِهِ فِي شدّةٍ وَرَخَاءِ

12. So he appeared and the judgment of favor upon his companions
And he passed and the judgment of the sword upon the enemies

١٢. فَبَدَا وحكمُ الفضلِ في أصحابِهِ
وَمَضَى وحكمُ السيف في الأعداءِ

13. Meet him with generosity and valor overflowing
Like a drawn Indian sword, pure and sharp

١٣. تلقاهُ في جُودٍ وَبَأسٍ رَافِلاً
كَمُهَنَّد في حِدَّةٍ وصفَاءِ

14. You see him among the weapons bare faced
Like the moon among the stars of Gemini

١٤. وَتَرَاهُ من بين الأسنَّةِ سَافراً
كَالبَدْرِ بَيْنَ كَوَاكِبِ الجَوْزاء

15. In his distinction, construction, gardens and tongue
Wondrous to those of great insight

١٥. فِي شَانِهِ وَبَنَانِهِ وَجَنَانِهِ
وَلِسَانِهِ عجبٌ لِذِي الآراءِ

16. May Allah send prayers upon him as long as
Willows harvest lives and blood is shed

١٦. صلّى عليه الله ما سَنَّ الظُّبَى
لِحَصَادِ أعْمَارٍ وَسفكِ دِمَاءِ