
Her face outshone the full moon when she appeared

جلا وجهها الديجور لما تجلت

1. Her face outshone the full moon when she appeared
To guide souls led astray by passion's pull

١. جَلاَ وَجْهُهَا الدَيْجُورَ لَمَّا تَجَلَّتِ
لِتَهْدِي نُفُوساً فِي الهَوَى قدْ أضَلَّتِ

2. Her tresses flowed, releasing their braids
So I took for the sun the glow beneath her veil

٢. وَلاَحَتْ وَقَدْ أرْخَتْ ذَوَائبَ شَعْرِهَا
فَخِلْتُ شعَاعَ الشَّمْسِ تَحْتَ الدّجِنِّةِ

3. She glanced with lids like unsheathed swords, and I never saw
By my life, lids glancing like ready swords

٣. وَسَلَّتْ جُفُوناً كَالسُّيُوفِ وَلَمْ أرَى
لَعَمْرِي جفُوناً كَالقوَاضب سُلَّتِ

4. She smiled though love had slain all those enamored
Thus giving life to souls that were once lifeless

٤. وَحَيَّتْ وَقَدْ أفْنَى الهَوَى كُل مُغْرَمٍ
فَأحْيَتْ نُفُوساً قَبْلُ كَانَتْ أُمِيتَتِ

5. A gazelle she bent when her beauty stood alone
So the leaves bent over her for her grace

٥. مَهَاةٌ تَثَنَّتْ إذْ تَفَرّدَ حسنُهَا
فَأثْنَتْ عَلَيْهَا الوُرْقُ لما تَثَنَّتِ

6. She has a mouth of pearls from which Ibn Muzahhar drinks
And a glance from which Ibn Muqlah drinks

٦. لَهَا ثغرُ دُرّ عَنْهُ يَرْوِي ابن مزهر
ومُقْلَةُ لحظٍ عنه يَرْوِي ابن مُقْلَةِ

7. She appeared though youth had shaken her stature
Did you not see that the sun clung to the branch?

٧. تَبَدَّتْ وَقَدْ هَز الشَّبَابُ قَوَامَهَا
ألَمْ تَرَ أنَّ الشَّمْسَ بِالغُصْنِ حَلَّتِ

8. She touched with the curve of her double-bent arms
A crescent-brow that shone in the night of Partridge constellation

٨. وَمَاسَتْ بِعطْفَيْ بَانَةٍ فَدْ عَلاَهُمَا
هِلاَلُ جبينٍ لاَحَ فِي ليل طُرةٍ

9. With the fires of her cheeks she brought me delight
So here am I, between fire and paradise

٩. وَنَعَّمَنِي نُعْمَانُ نيرَان خدّهَا
فَهَا أنَا مِنْهُ بَيْنَ نَارٍ وَجَنَّةِ

10. God forgive the eyes though they sharpened
Arrows that nearly took my life with their piercing

١٠. ألاَ سَامَحَ اللَّهُ العُيُونَ وَإنْ تَكُنْ
أحَدَّتْ ظُبَى تِلْكَ اللحَاظ لِقَتْلَتِي

11. And blame not the cheeks for what they endured
Of the deadly scorpions of her piercing glances

١١. وَلاَ وَاخَذَ الأصدَاغَ فِيمَا تَحَمَّلَتْ
عَقَارِبُهَا الفُتَّاكُ من لَسْعِ مهجَتِي

12. And protect the smooth wrists from harm
Though to lovers they are like deadly poison

١٢. وَصَانَ القدُودَ المَائِسَاتِ مِنَ الردَى
وإنْ هِيَ للعشَّاقِ كَالسُّمْرِ هُزتِ

13. And sober minds that the intoxication of love drugged
For in the sobriety of passion lies all drunkenness

١٣. وَأصْحَى عُقُولاً خَامَرَ الحُبُّ سُكْرَهَا
عَلَى أن فِي صَحْوِ الهَوَى كُلّ سَكْرَةِ

14. And revived souls that were slain by her youth
For in reviving passion lies all resurrection

١٤. وَأحْيَا نُفُوساً قَدْ أُمِيتَتْ صبَابةً
وَكَيْفَ وَفِي إحْيَا الهَوَى كلّ مَيْتَةِ

15. O my two friends, did you ever see or hear
A lover whom longing consumed before love?

١٥. خَلِيلَي هَلْ عَايَنْتُمَا أوْ سَمِعْتُمَا
مُحِبَّا براه الشَّوْقُ قَبْلُ المَحَبِّةِ

16. A doe appeared, bending as her curves shook
Like the rising sun appearing on the branch of a weeping willow

١٦. ضَحِيَّةَ لاَحَتْ مَي وَاهتزَّ عطْفُهَا
كَشَمْسِ ضُحىً بَانَتْ على غصنِ أيْكةِ

17. A queen of beauty who reveled in the realm of passion
My surrender before her, and my breaking, and my humiliation

١٧. مَلِيكَةُ حسنٍ لَذَّ فِي شِرْعَةِ الهَوَى
خُضُوعِي لَدَيْهَا وَانْكِسَارِي وَذِلَّتِي

18. And my sickness, my sleeplessness, my longing, my tears
My ecstasy, my torment, my lament, my misery

١٨. وسُقْمِي وَتسهيدِي وَشَوْقِي وَأدْمُعِي
ووجدِي وَتَعْذِيبي وَنوحِي وأَنَّتِي

19. She dwelled in the valley of my ribs, which is my abode
She walked in the meadows of my heart, which is my soul

١٩. أقَامت بوادي المُنْحَنَي وهو أضلعِي
وَسَارت بِأكْنَافِ الغَضَا وهو مهجتِي

20. I gave her cups of my reproach
One morning after she shunned my companionship and abandoned me

٢٠. وَقَفْتُ أعَاطِيهَا كُؤُوسَ عِتَابِهَا
غَدَاةَ نَأتْ عَنْ خِلَّتِي وَتَخَلَّتِ

21. Though I brought close the cheek of intimacy to her, and long
A glance of hers summoned it to my union

٢١. وأعطفُ جيدَ القرب منها وطالما
دَعَتْهَا لِوَصْلِي لَمَّةٌ وَألَمَّتِ

22. Yet no sooner had she erased my likeness
Which, were it not for passion, would not have endured

٢٢. فَمَا كَانَ إلاَّ أن مَحَتْ رَسْمِيَ الَّذِي
مِنَ السقم لَوْلاَ الوجدُ لم يَتَثَبَّتِ

23. My heart could not refuse passion
Nor could my soul find a way to peace

٢٣. فَلم يَسْتَطِعْ قلبي امْتِنَاعاً عَنِ الهَوَى
وَلم تستطعْ رُوحِي سَبِيلاً لسلوة

24. I shall be patient until the days of estrangement pass
For patience comes only from my nature and my forbearance

٢٤. سَأصبر حَتَّى تنقضي مدّة الجفا
وَمَا الصبرُ إلاّ مِنْ خِلاَلِي وَحِلْيَتِي

25. Not everyone who calls out has his call answered
Nor does everyone who is called respond promptly

٢٥. فَمَا كُل مَنْ نَادَى أجِيبَ نِدَاؤُهُ
ولا كل من نُودِي أجَابَ بِسُرْعَةِ

26. O rider whose determination the mind's steeds outpace
With the zeal of yearning not curbed by reason's reins

٢٦. أيَا رَاكِباً تطوِي عَزَائِمُهُ الفَلاَ
بِنُجْبِ اشْتِيَاقٍ لَمْ تُقَدْ بِأزِمةِ

27. Go gently with a glancing eye that takes in every affection
And gently with a heart that welcomes every image

٢٧. رُوَيْداً بِطرفٍ نَاظِرٍ كُلَّ مُهْجَةٍ
وَرِفْقاً بِقَلْبِ قَابِلٍ كُلَّ صُورَةِ

28. Sometimes I see her in every meadow and open plain
And sometimes I see her in every copse and garden

٢٨. فَطَوْراً أُرَى فِي كُلّ سَرْحٍ وَمَرْبَعٍ
وَطوراً أُرَى فِي كُلّ دوح وروضةِ

29. Sometimes I see her in every monastery and temple
And sometimes I see her in every convent and church

٢٩. وطوراً أُرَى فِي كُلّ درس ومعبد
وطوراً أُرَى فِي كُلّ دير وبيعةِ

30. I profess the faith of love in every place
And strive for the essence of beauty wherever I turn

٣٠. أديِنُ بدين الحبّ فِي كُلّ موضعٍ
وَأصْبُو لِذَاتِ الحسن فِي كُلّ وِجْهةِ

31. I attack the encampments of her tribe fearlessly at night
Like lions raiding inattentive settlements

٣١. وَأغْشَى حِمَى لَيْلاَيَ لاَ مُتَهَيباً
كَوَاسِرَ آسَادٍ عَلَى حِينِ غَفْلَةِ

32. And I kiss all between her veil and her mouth
And drink cups whose taste carries my delight

٣٢. وَألثُمُ مَا بَيْنَ اللثَامِ وثغرهَا
وَثَمَّ كُؤُوسٌ رَاحُهَا فِيهِ رَاحَتي

33. Did the rain grace you with a shower, enlivening
Forms that before had withered?

٣٣. أسَرْحَتَنَا هَلْ جَادكِ الغْيثُ برهة
فَأحيَا رسُوماً قَبْلَ ذَاكَ اضْمحَلَّتِ

34. Did the boughs of your branches sway
Whose leaves, with their melodies, sing like doves?

٣٤. وَهَلْ خَطَرَتْ أعْطَافُ أغْصَانك الَّتِي
بِأفنَانهَا وُرْقُ الحَمَائِمِ غَنَّتِ

35. Did the hands of the breeze trail their hems
Over your verdant meadow when it blew?

٣٥. وَهَلْ سَحَبَتْ أيْدِي النَّسِيم ذُيولَها
عَلَى روضكِ الذَّاكِي الشَّذَا حين هَبَّتِ

36. And did the clouds send you pearls when
They saw the blessings of my Master Abu 'Amr come down?

٣٦. وهَلْ رَاسَلَتْكِ السُّحْبُ بِالدرّ عِنْدَمَا
رَأتْ أنْعُمَ المَوْلَى أبِي عَمْرَو هلَّتِ

37. A king who protects the House of Caliphate with his resolve
More firmly than the resolve of ferocious lions

٣٧. مليكٌ حَمَى بيتَ الخِلاَفَة عزمُه
بأجْهَدَ من عزم الأسُود المُبيدَةِ

38. His guidance in matters of wisdom, if complex
Are self-evident, shining bright like stars

٣٨. أدِلَّتُهُ فِي الخَطْبِ أن كَانَ مُشْكلٌ
بَديهَاتٌ جَدّ كَالنُّجُوم المُنِيَرَةِ

39. A leader whom God guided to best serve His servants
With the clearest proof and soundest argument

٣٩. إمَامٌ براه الله أوْلَى عبَادِهِ
بحقٍ وَأهْدَاهُمْ لأوْضَحِ حُجَّةِ

40. When his opinions make up their mind they do not waver
And when a matter passes from him he does not turn back

٤٠. إذَا بَادَرَتْ آرَاؤُهُ العزمَ لَمْ يَقِفْ
وَإنْ جَازَ عَنْهُ الأمْرُ لَمْ يَتَلَفَّتِ

41. Knowledgeable in unlocking matters when they are deadlocked
A leader in mending schisms in times of discord

٤١. عَلِيمٌ بِفَتْحِ الأمْر عِنْدَ انْغِلاَقِهِ
زَعيمٌ بِرَتْقِ الفَتْقِ حَالَ المَكِيدَةِ

42. His favors are hoped for and his vengeance feared
By one seeking peace or one seeking strife

٤٢. تُؤَمَّلُ نُعْمَاهُ وَيُخْشَى انْتِقَامُهُ
لِطَالِبِ سِلْمٍ أوْ لِطَالِبِ فِتْنَةِ

43. Trustworthy to the clan of Faruq in keeping their secret
And their confidante in every hardship

٤٣. أمِينُ بَنِي الفَارُوقِ في حِفْظِ سرّهمْ
وَعُدَّةُ نجوَاهم لَدَى كُلّ شِدَّةِ

44. His excellent influence is felt in every hour
And his wise word is decisive in every call

٤٤. لَهُ الأثَرُ المحمود فِي كُلّ سَاعَة
وَفَصْلُ الخطَابِ الثَّيْبِ فِي كل دَعَوةِ

45. He protects a prophetic way of life
With a sharp sword or with shining blades

٤٥. يصولُ وَيَحْمِي شرعةً نَبَوِيَّةً
بِسُمْرٍ رِشَاقٍ أوْ بِبِيضٍ جَلِيَّةِ

46. When his swords flash in the battle
You see lightning bolts raining down death

٤٦. إذَا بَرَقَتْ فِي النَّقْعِ أسْيَافُهُ تَرَى
صَوَاعِقَ بَرْقٍ أمْطَرَتْ بالدَّنِيِّةِ

47. And if on the day of war he brandishes his lance
You see it bearing abundant mortality

٤٧. وَإنْ هَزَّ يَوْمَ الحرب عَاملُ رمحه
أرَاكَ قضيباً مُثْمِراً بِالمَنِيَّةِ

48. He discards the garb of generosity and valour among mankind
Thus becoming a sword of glittering blade

٤٨. تَرَدَّى لبَاسَ الجود والبَأسَ في الوَرَى
فَأضْحَى حسَاماً ذَا بريق وَحِدَّةِ

49. So O transgressor reckless before him
Death, from which there is no escape, awaits you

٤٩. فَيَا أيُّهَا البَاغِي المَفَرّ أمَامَهُ
هُوَ المَوْتُ لاَ يُنْفَك مِنْهُ بحيلةِ

50. He possesses a state that towers over all states
With support for both policies and military aid

٥٠. لَهُ دَوْلَةٌ أرْبَتْ عَلَى كُلّ دَوْلَة
بِتَأيِيدِ آرَاءٍ وَتَأيِيدِ نُصْرَة

51. His hands of approval are nobles for every delegation
And his gifts like those of loyal followers

٥١. أيَادِي رِضَاهُ لِلْوُفُودِ صَحَابَةٌ
وَأنْعَامُهُ كَالتَّابِعِينَ بِحسْنَةِ

52. He inclines to virtue until he attains it
As a lover yearns for union with the beloved

٥٢. يَحِن إلَى المَعْرُوفِ حَتَّى يُنِيله
كَمَا حَنَّ مُشْتَاقٌ لِوَصْلِ الأحِبَّةِ

53. You see the passion for asking veil his brow
When the questioner brings glad tidings to the asked

٥٣. تَرَى وَلَع السُّؤَّالِ يَكْسُو جَبِينهُ
إذَا عبر المسؤول بشر المسرة

54. From afar, his favors fulfilled my hopes
And made my misery collapse

٥٤. دَعَانِي عَلَى بُعْدِ الدْيَارِ نَوَالُهُ
فَحَقَّقَ آمَالِي وَأوْهَى شَكِيَّتِي

55. I swear were it not for him I would not turn to poetry
And we would stop at a verse of lifeless rhyme

٥٥. وَأقْسِمُ لَوْلاَهُ عَلَى الشِّعْرِ مُقْبِلاً
وَقَفْنَا عَلَى بَيْتٍ مِنَ الشعرِ مُصْمَتِ

56. He vies in bestowal and pardons error
Whether the hand falters or the foot slips

٥٦. يُسَابِقُ بِالنُّعْمَى وَيَعْفُو عَن الخطا
إذَا اليَدُ غَاضَتْ أوْ إذَا الرجل زَلَّتِ

57. He is too sublime to be addressed reverently
And too humble to ascend over any rank

٥٧. تَعَاظَمَ حَتَّى لَمْ يُكَلَّمْ مَهَابَةً
تَوَاضَعَ فَاسْتَعْلَى عَلَى كُلّ رتبة

58. A king whose praise flows continually to the Most High
Never severed or interrupted

٥٨. مليكٌ إلَى علياه تَسْرِي مَدَائِحٌ
مُوَاصِلَةٌ لَيْسَتْ بذَات قطيعة

59. They fell for the glow of his cheek, though truly
They fell for the sun's glow when it appeared

٥٩. تَعَشَّقْنَ ضَوْءَ الخَد مِنْهُ وَإِنَّمَا
تَعَشَّقْنَ ضَوْءَ الشَّمْسِ لَمَّا تَجَلَّتِ

60. And when his crescent brow shone, it said
May God protect the full moon of radiant rising from the eye of harm

٦٠. وَقَالَتْ وَقَدْ خَالَتْ هلاَلاً جَبِينَهُ
حَمَى اللَّهُ مِنْ عَيْنِ الردى بدْرَ طَلْعَةِ

61. O sovereign reviver of the virtues of predecessors
With excellent conduct or auspicious leadership

٦١. أيَا مَالِكاً أحيَا مَكَارِمَ مَنْ مَضَى
بحسنِ السَّجَايَا أوْ بِيُمْنِ النَّقِيبَةِ

62. Yours are the bounty and favor upon me, I have only
My words of sincerity and my heart to offer you

٦٢. لَكَ الفَضْلُ والنُّعْمَى عَلَيّ وَلَيْسَ لِي
وَحَقِّكَ إلاَّ ودُّ نطقي ومُهْجَتِي

63. So accept them, elevating each robe
For in the stations of glory each has loftiness

٦٣. فَخُذْهَا بِتَفْوِيفِ الثنا كُلّ حلّةٍ
لَهَا فِي مَقَامَاتِ الوَلاَ كلّ رِفْعَةِ

64. Though I was early in singing praise as a suitor
Calling for your exaltation with the wing of the nightingale

٦٤. وَإنِّي وَإنْ بَاكَرْتُ بِالمَدْحِ مُنْشِداً
لَدَاعٍ لِعَلْيَاكُمْ بِجُنْحِ الدّجِنَّةِ

65. Jewels of words have descended and recurred to you
Through them my way to the people, not my goal

٦٥. جَوَاهِر لَفْظٍ قَدْ حَلَتْ وَتَكَررَت
إلَيْكُمْ بِهَا لاَ لِلأَنامِ وسيلتِي

66. So be generous with your acceptance to the son of Khaluf
For my hands of hope are outstretched toward your generosity

٦٦. فَجُدْ بِالرّضَا لابْنِ الخلوف فَإنَّمَا
أيَادِي رَجاَهُ نَحْوَ جُودِكَ مُدَّتِ

67. And do not forget me from your abundant generosity after
You ordered gifts for your servant to be dispatched

٦٧. وَلاَ تَنْسَنِي مِنْ جُودِكَ الطَّمّ بعدمَا
أمَرْتَ بِأنْعَامٍ لِعَبْدِكَ بَلَّتِ

68. For you are my asylum, my reliance and my aspiration
My honour, my authority, my security and my shelter

٦٨. فَأنْتَ ملاَذي وَاعْتِمَادِي وَغَايَتِي
وَعِزّي وَسُلْطَانِي وَأمنِي وَمُثْيَتِي

69. My succour, my pride, my boast and my support
My cave, my pursuit, my treasure and my pillar

٦٩. وغوثي وَفَخْرِي وَافْتِخَارِي وَعدتِي
وكهفِي وَمَطْلُوبِي وكنْزِي وعمدَتِي

70. May you remain in glory, prestige, rank
And victory, kingdom, pride, and power

٧٠. وَلاَ زِلْتَ في عزٍ وجاه وَرِفعة
وَنَصْرٍ وَمُلْكٍ واَفْتِخَاٍر وَقُدْرَةِ

71. And ease, goodness, ascent, and honour
And safety, prosperity, initiative, and joy

٧١. ويسر وَخَيْر وَارْتِقَاء وَعزَّةٍ
وأمْنٍ وَيُمْنٍ واقْتِرَاح وبَهجة

72. And last as long as any garden sings with narcissus blooms
And as long as leaves thicken on grape vine

٧٢. وَدُمْ مَا رَنَتْ روضٌ باحدَاق نرجس
وَمَهْمَا شدت وُرْقٌ بِأعْوَاد دوحة