
O flower of the garden to be plucked

يا زهر روض يقتطف

1. O flower of the garden to be plucked
And crescent of perfection in elegance

١. يَا زهرَ روضٍ يُقْتَطَفْ
وَهلاَلَ تَمٍّ فِي سُدَفْ

2. Drink happily, for sweetness
Is the finest drink to be sipped

٢. اشرب هَنيئاً فَالطِّلاَ
أحلى شَراب يُرْتَشَفْ

3. And blossoms of the garden burst open
We inhaled their plucked fragrance

٣. وانشق أزاهر روضة
خلْنَا شذاهَا المُقْتَطَفْ

4. With a mouth of soft, delicate curves
Holding sweetness and charm

٤. والْثِمْ ثنَايَا غَادة
حَوَتِ الملاَحة وَالطُّرَفْ

5. And heed the advice about passion
Leave off suffering and pretense

٥. وَأطِعْ نصيحك فِي الهَوَى
وَدَعِ التَّحَمُّل والكَلَفْ

6. O you who ascended the highest honor
When you gained glory through lineage

٦. يَا مَنْ عَلا أعْلَى شَرَفْ
إذْ حَازَ بِالنسب الشَّرَفْ

7. You clarified the way of guidance
And followed the path of predecessors

٧. أوْضَّحْتَ منهَاجَ الهدى
ونَهَجْتَ منهج من سلفْ

8. You illuminated the features of generosity
Thus you were a successor, not predecessor

٨. وَضَّحْتَ شَاكلةَ الصوا
ب فكنتَ عن سلفٍ خَلَفْ

9. You rose in the horizon of time
Like the rising of a star in elegance

٩. وطلعتَ فِي أفق الزما
ن طلوع نجمٍ فِي سُدفْ

10. Had you not been a garden, you would not
Have produced a flower to be plucked

١٠. لَوْ لَمْ تَكُنْ روضاً لما
أبْديت زهراً يُقْتَطَفْ

11. O full moon of glory that gathered
Clouds of generosity that sufficed

١١. يَا بدْر مَجْدٍ قَدْ أضا
وسحابَ جودٍ قَدْ وَكَفْ

12. You remain still, embracing
Perfections and refinements

١٢. لاَ زلتَ تَبْقَى جَامعا
جُمَلَ المحَاسن وَالظَّرَفْ

13. And you attained means of bliss
And were spared the course of decay

١٣. وَلَقِيتَ أسْبَابَ الهنا
وَوُقِيتَ دَائِرة التلفْ

14. What an intelligent, flourishing one extended
And made pearls appear from shells

١٤. مَا مَدَّ جَازِرُ زَاخِرٍ
وَأبَانَ دُرّاً مِنْ صَدَفْ