
As though his cheek were scented with musk

كأنما خاله المسكي حين بدا

1. As though his cheek were scented with musk
When it appeared from beneath the veil upon a cheek of dew

١. كَأنَّمَا خَالُهُ المِسْكِيُّ حِينَ بَدَا
تَحْتَ العِذَارِ عَلَى خَدّ مِنَ العَنَمِ

2. The morning of beauty dawned on the garden of al-Shaqq
Grazing the morning of the folds in the darkness of gloom

٢. بِلالُ حُسْنٍ عَلَى رَوْضِ الشَّقِيقِ غَدَا
يَرْعَى صَبَاحَ الثَّنَايَا فِي دُجَى الظُّلَم