1. No glance has pierced the eyelids drawing a rueful blade
Except it met a slaughterer and lethal assailant.
١. مَا سُلَّ فِي الجَفْنِ سَيْفُ النَّاظَرِ الشَّاكي
إلاَّ وَصَالَ بِبَتَّارٍ وفَتَّاكِ
2. Your gaze insisted to shed my blood,
Though shedding it would not profit you.
٢. أبَتْ لِحَاظُكِ إلاَّ أنْ تُرِيقَ دَمِي
فَعَنْ إرَاقَتِهِ مَا كَانَ أغنَاكِ
3. My vengeance for your eyes, if they prove fatal,
Is that I'm honored to be one of your victims.
٣. وَلَيْسَ ثَأرِي عَلَى عَيْنَيْكِ إنْ فَتَكَتْ
بَلْ يَهْنِنِي أنَّنِي مِنْ بَعْضِ قَتْلاَكِ
4. In every quarter someone lies slain by your love, so why,
O Hind, have you strewn so many corpses in the living?
٤. فِي كُلّ حَيّ صَرِيعٌ فِي هَوَاكِ فَلِمْ
أكْثَرْتِ يَا هند فِي الأحْيَاءِ صَرْعَاكِ
5. You left a heart in which you once took shelter -
Wouldn't blame have better housed you than that abode?
٥. خَرَجْتِ بَيْتَ فُؤَادٍ قَدْ ثَوَيْتِ بِهِ
هَلاَّ عَمَرْتِ عَدَاكِ اللَّوْمُ مَثْوَاكِ
6. You shot your eyelash arrow beyond range,
Though bringing the target nearer wouldn't have harmed.
٦. وَرُمْتِ إبْعَادَ مَرْمَى سَهْمِ مُقْلَتِكِ ال
وَسْنَى فَمَا ضَرَّ لَوْ قَرَّبْتِ مَرْمَاكِ
7. You determined to repel gently from your purpose,
Though the witness of beauty is kindness toward you.
٧. وَقَدْ قَضَيْتِ بِمُرّ الصَّدّ عَنْ غَرَضٍ
وَشَاهِدُ الحُسْنِ بِالإحْسَانِ حَلاَّكِ
8. In you are rest and sweetness that inflamed my liver
And seared the heart, if I don't drink from your mouth.
٨. فِي فِيكِ رَاحٌ وَشَهْدٌ ألْهَبَا كَبِدِي
واحرَّ قَلْبَاهُ إنْ لَمْ أرْتَشِفْ فَاكِ
9. In the eyelids are gazelles, in the eyes, does,
And I'm confused between charmer and slayer.
٩. وَفِي الجُفُونِ ظُبَاتٌ وَالعُيُونِ ظِبًا
وَاحَيْرَتِي بَيْنَ فَتَّانٍ وَفَتَّاكِ
10. I warned your tempting glance against shedding my blood
As circumstances required warning your temptation.
١٠. حَذَّرْتُ نَاظِرَكِ المُغْرِي بِسَفْكِ دَمِي
لِمَا اقْتَضَى الحَالُ مِنْ تَحْذِيرِ إغْرَاكِ
11. Estrangement then confused my discernment through knowledge
And passion conjugated my deeds through your names.
١١. فَنَكَّرَ الهَجْرُ تَمْيِيزِي بِمَعْرِفَةٍ
وَأعْرَبَ الوَجْدُ أفْعَالِي بِأسْمَاكِ
12. How can I be patient, when the summoner of your glances called
And the passion for you seized my heart when you winked?
١٢. كَيْفَ السُّلُوُّ وَدَاعِي مُقْلَتَيْكِ دَعَا
وَقْدَ الغَرَامِ بِقَلْبِي حِينَ لَبَّاكِ
13. O object of my heart's pilgrimage, I've circled you -
If only you'd made my cheek your place of ritual circumambulation!
١٣. يَا كَعْبَةً حَجَّهَا قَلْبِي وَطَافَ بِهَا
هَلاَّ جَعَلْتِ صَفَا خَدَّيَّ مَسْعَاكِ
14. In the prayer niches of your cheeks that have folded together
My tearful, reverent gaze ends up worshipping at night.
١٤. وَفِي مَحَارِيبِ صُدْغَيْكِ التِي انْعَقَدَتْ
أمْسَى تَهَجُّدُ طَرْفِي الخَاشِعِ البَاكِي
15. I join my wasted body to your supple waist -
May its delicacy lament your emaciation!
١٥. أنْهِي إلَى خَصْرِكِ الوَاهِي ضَنَى جَسَدِي
عَسَى بِرِقَّتِهِ يَرْثِي لِمُضْنَاكِ
16. And I hope you'll generously grant me, if only briefly,
So sight might behold you in my dreams.
١٦. وَأرْتَجِي أنْ تَجُودِي لِي وَلَوْ بِكَرًى
لِيَشْهَدَ الطَّرْفُ في الأحْلاَمِ مَرْآكِ
17. Visit me veiled by the night of hair and take cover
Lest morning's light reveal your path.
١٧. زُورِي اكْتِتَاماً بِلَيْلِ الشَّعْرِ وَاسْتَتِرِي
كَيْ لاَ يُبِينَ صَبَاحُ الثَّغْرِ مَسْرَاكِ
18. If the dark of hair obscures you, then wait
For daylight's gleams to dawn from your folds.
١٨. وَإنْ دَهَاكِ ظَلاَمُ الشَّعْرِ فَارْتَقِبِي
بُزُوغَ أنْوَارِ صُبْح مِنْ ثَنَايَاكِ
19. Don't let the goldsmith's whisper frighten you when
You've hidden your tracks from his revelation.
١٩. وَلاَ يَرُوعُكِ وَسْوَاسُ الحُلِيّ إذا
أخْفَيْتِ عَنْ وَحْيِهِ آثَارَ مَمْشَاكِ
20. Don't let the perfumer's gossip appall you -
What your path concealed, only meeting you reveals.
٢٠. وَلاَ يَهُولُكِ نَمَّامُ العَبِيرِ فَمَا
أخْفَاهُ مَسْرَاكِ إلا كَتْمُ لُقْيَاكِ
21. Neither dawn smiled until you did,
Nor night crept in before it brushed your cheek.
٢١. فَمَا أضَا الصُّبْحُ لَوْلاَكِ ابْتَسَمْتِ لَهُ
وَلا دَجَا اللَّيْلُ حَتَّى جَنَّ صُدْغَاكِ
22. Nor did the goldsmith's whisper spread but that
He related your singing's melody.
٢٢. ولا وشَى بِاللقَا وحْيُ الحُلِيّ سِوى
أنَّ الحُلِيّ حَكَى تَرْجِيع مَغْنَاكِ
23. Nor did the cheek's amber pass on its pillow
Unless to transmit its scent from your fresh meadow.
٢٣. ولا روَى عَنْبَرِيُّ الصُّدْغِ مُسْنَدهُ
إلا لِيَنْقُلَهُ عَنْ طِيبِ رَيَّاكِ
24. No reproacher hoping for a likeness could refute
Beauty's proof which your proof established.
٢٤. وَعَاذِلٍ رَامَ تَشْبِيهًا فَأفْحَمَهُ
دَلِيلُ حُسْنٍ أقَامَاهُ دَلِيلاَكِ
25. You wished for a peer, but that's impossible -
If beauty imagined, it wouldn't exceed you.
٢٥. وَقُلْتَ تَرْجو شَبِيهًا وَهْوَ مُمْتَنِعٌ
وَلَوْ تُصَوِّرَ حُسْنٌ مَا تَعَدَّاكِ
26. If the full moon related your radiant cheeks' beauty,
Loveliness would witness to the speaker, not the speech.
٢٦. فَإنْ حَكَى البَدْرُ زَاهِي وَجْنَتَيْكِ سَنًى
فَالْحُسْنُ يَشْهَدُ لِلْمَحْكِيَ لاَ الحاكِي
27. If the gazelle glanced back at your eyes enchanted,
Magic would delude that the gazelle is your eyes.
٢٧. وَإنْ رَنَا الظَّبْيُ عَنْ جَفْنَيْكِ مُلْتَفِتًا
فَالسِّحْرُ يُوهِمُ أنَّ الظَّبْيَ جَفْنَاكِ
28. Whence would the gazelle have curved cheeks
That protect the moles its blush revealed?
٢٨. مِنْ أيْنَ لِلظَّبْيِ أصْدَاغٌ مُعَقْرَبَةٌ
تَحْمِي الشَّقِيقَ الَّذِي أبْدَاهُ خَدَّاكِ
29. How would the gazelle have languid eyes
Topping the down its glances stirred?
٢٩. وَكَيْفَ لِلظَّبْيِ أحْدَاقٌ مُلَوَّزَةٌ
تَعْلُو الوَشِيجَ الذِي هَزَّتْهُ عِطْفَاكِ
30. What are the moon, sun, the coy gazelle and what
The flowers' prime and the banana's boughs without you?
٣٠. مَا البدرُ مَا الشَّمْسُ ما الظَّبْيُ الغَرِيرُ ومَا
زَهْرُ الرُّبَى وَغُصُونُ البَانِ لَوْلاَكِ
31. Are bliss and Salma and Rabab, if counted,
Among beauties other than you?
٣١. وَهَلْ سُعَادٌ وَسَلْمَى والرَّبَابُ إذَا
عُدَّتْ مَحَاسِنُ حُسْنَاهُنَّ إلاَكِ
32. Wander drunk on the branches and steal the flowers' joy -
The branches and flowers are from your singing's secrets.
٣٢. تيهِي عَلَى الغِيدِ وَاسْبِي الزَّهْرَ بَهْجَتَهُ
فَالْغِيدُ وَالزَّهْرُ مِنْ أسْرَارِ مَغْنَاكِ
33. I seek refuge from your deadly glance with the star
As with light and dawn we've guarded your life.
٣٣. أعِيذُ بِالنَّجْمِ صَادَ اللَّحْظِ مِنْكِ كمَا
بِالنُّورِ وَالْفَجْرِ عَوَّذْنَا مُحَيَّاكِ
34. The slanderers' hands have pulled up a moon like the sun -
Unharmed by the slyness of such impugners as you!
٣٤. نَبَّتْ يَدَا زُمَرِ الْعُذَّالِ فِي قَمَرٍ
كَالشَّمْسِ مَا ضَرَّهَا خَنَّاسُ أفَّاكِ
35. Turkish of glance, were it not for her eloquence's Arabness
I'd not have inclined to non-Arabs' passion and you.
٣٥. تُرْكِيَّةُ اللَّحْظِ لَوْلاَ عُرْبُ مَنْطِقِهَا
مَا هِمْتُ وَجْداً بِأعْرَابٍ وَأتْرَاكِ
36. Her eyelash's Harut has cast its ropes
And dropped the heart in the abyss of your snares.
٣٦. هَارُوتُ أجْفَانِهَا ألْقَى حَبَائِلَهُ
فَأوْقَعَ الْقَلْبَ فِي مَهْوَاةِ أشْرَاكِ
37. I complained of my sickness to her glance's complainant, but it winked
Mockingly and said, "I'm the one complained of, not the complainer."
٣٧. شَكَوْتُ سُقْمِي لِشَاكِي لَحْظِهَا فَرَنَا
شَزْراً وَقَالَ أنَا الْمَشْكُوُّ لاَ الشَّاكِي
38. When its viewer peered from the eyelids, undrawn,
It skewered my heart unsheathed, without you.
٣٨. وَصَالَ إذْ سَلَّ فِي الأجْفَانِ نَاظِرُهُ
مُهَنَّداً لِفُؤَادِي غَيْرَ تَرَّاكِ
39. Be gentle, o queen of beauty, with my heart, and do not
Seek vengeance on me, for I'm one of your subjects.
٣٩. مَلِيكَةَ الحُسْنِ رِفْقاً بِالفؤَادِ وَلاَ
تبغي عَلَيَّ فَإنِّي مِنْ رَعَايَاكِ
40. I refrain my gaze from seeing any but you, just as
I purify my heart from associating others with you.
٤٠. أنَزّهُ الطَّرْفَ عَنْ رُؤْيَا سِوَاكِ كَمَا
أوَحِّدُ القَلْبَ عَنْ تَثْلِيثِ إشْرَاكِ