1. What ails these slender branches, sending
Their messages to hearts so tender, bending
١. مَا لِلْقُدُودِ المَائِسَاتِ غُصُونَا
المُرْسِلاَتِ إلَى الْقُلُوبِ مَنُونَا
2. To veil their charms from prying eyes, yet rendering
Such arts and spells past comprehending?
٢. السَّاتِرَاتِ مِنَ الظِّبَاءِ مَحَاسِنًا
المُظْهِرَاتِ مِنَ الدَّلاَلِ فُنُونَا
3. So shy, yet bold in ways beguiling,
Reviving, killing with their smiling;
٣. الآنِسَاتِ النَّافِرَاتِ تَدَلُّلاَ
الْمُحْيِيَاتِ القَاتِلاتِ مُجُونَا
4. Soft-voiced, but piercing glances, smiting,
Calm seeming, yet our souls exciting;
٤. النَّاعِمَاتِ الكَاعِبَاتِ نَواهِداً
الفَاتِراتِ الفَاتِكَاتِ عُيُونَا
5. Bewitching us with magic potions
Our minds surrender, and our notions.
٥. الخَالِبَاتِ بِكُلّ سِحْرٍ مُعْجِزٍ
عِنْد الحَدِيثِ عُقُولَنَا والدّينَا
6. For swords they carry silken robes,
Exchanging glances sharp for globes.
٦. قَدْ بَدَّلُوا بَدَلَ الرّمَاحِ مَعَاطِفًا
وَاسْتَعْوَضُوا عِوَضَ السُّيُوفِ جُفُونَا
7. With tresses trailing, lo, they venture.
Saw you a meteor flaming, scintillate?
٧. خَطَرُوا وَقَدْ سُدِلَتْ ذَوَائِبُهم فَهَلْ
أبْصَرْتَ بَاناً يَحْمِلُ المَرْسِينَا
8. Or sunrise rays athwart the spheres ascending
When they but slightly lift the curtains blending?
٨. وَأرَوْكَ مِنْ صُبْحِ الوُجُوهِ أشِعَّةً
لما اسْتَقَلُّوا بِالشُّعُورِ دُجُونَا
9. The moon, they claim, has copied their perfection.
What means the moon by such deception?
٩. زَعَمُوا بِأنَّ البَدْرَ حَاكَاهمْ سَنًى
يَا هَلْ تُرَى لِلْبَدْرِ مَا يَعْنُونَا
10. Who bears me to the vale where I was granted
The treasured pledge of beauty constant?
١٠. مَنْ لِي بِهِمْ وَالعِيسُ تَحْمِلهُمْ إلَى
وَادٍ عَهِدْتُ بِهِ الجَمَالَ مَصُونَا
11. My loves, God forbid my eyes should wander,
Or my heart worship any but your grandeur!
١١. أأحِبَّتِي حَاشَا لِمِثْلِي أنْ يُرَى
أبَداً بِغَيْرِ جَمَالِكُمْ مَفْتُونَا
12. That Qays, crazed by love of Layla tender,
Should slake his burning heart's surrender!
١٢. أوْ أنَّ قيسَ القلبِ يَسْلُو بَعْدَمَا
قَدْ ظَلَّ فِي ليلى الحِمَى مَجْنُونَا
13. My friend, within my heart are traces
Sent by tears once safely hiding places.
١٣. يَا صَاحبَيَّ بمهجتي خَمْصَانَةٌ
قَدْ أرْسَلَتْ دَمْعِي المَصُونَ هَتُونَا
14. They flow in floods since first he chanced to waken
Some careless eye, its glance not taking.
١٤. تَرْنُو إذَا لَحَظَتْ بِطرْفٍ نَاعِسٍ
أوْدَى بِيَقْظَتِهِ الظِّبَاءَ العِينَا
15. My tears decree the death of any gazer
Who dares let rest his glance, half-dazed, on her.
١٥. قَدْ أفْرَضَتْ قَتْلَ الْمُتَيَّمِ عنْدَمَا
أضْحَى مُهَنَّدُ لحظهَا مَسْنُونَا
16. They race like quick pens writing as she dictates,
While she makes naked all our souls' states.
١٦. تَسْرِي سُرَى الاقْلاَم فيما تَرْتَضِي
طَوْعاً وَهَا هِيَ بِالضَّنى تَبْرِينَا
17. A sun whose rays at first misled us,
Then by misleading did proceed to lead us.
١٧. شَمْسٌ تَجَلَّى نُورُهَا فَأضَلَّنَا
وَبِمَا أضَلَّتْنَا غَدَتْ تَهْدِينَا
18. By her eyebrow's bow, her cheek's star brightly beaming,
Wrote the lines of beauty, all-redeeming.
١٨. وَبِقَوْسِ حَاجِبِهَا وَعَقْرَبِ صُدْغِهَا
كَتَبَ الجَمَالُ النُّونَ وَالتَنْوِينَا
19. She came veiled, carried like a cup I've sipped from,
A meadow fenced about with jasmine dripping.
١٩. وَافَتْ تَزُفُّ عَرُوسَ كَأسٍ خِلْتُهَا
روضًا أدِيرَ بِرَوْضِهِ النِّسْرِينَا
20. The singing breeze discloses her, light drifting,
Bare branches in its robes her beauty sifting.
٢٠. وَغَدَا يُطَارِحُهَا الغنَاءَ مُهَفْهَفٌ
سَلَبَ الغُصُونَ بِمَعْطِفَيْهِ اللِّينَا
21. A wild gazelle, her glances hunters seeking prey,
Her lashes settle, nesting in her eyes' twin gray.
٢١. ظبيٌ تَرَى ألْحَاظَهُ صِيداً غَدَتْ
تَسْتَوْطِنُ الأهْدَابَ مِنْهُ عَرِينَا
22. Cheeks of a rose, gazed on by the deer, entrancing,
A branch her waist, her brow a crescent glancing.
٢٢. كَالْوَرْدِ خَداً وَالغَزَالِ لَوَاحِظًا
وَالْغُصْنِ قَداً وَالْهِلاَلِ جَبِينَا
23. The wild deer robbed of her beauty, borrowed
Her eyes, and taught the deer new arts unsorrowed.
٢٣. سَلَبَ الغَزَالَةَ حسنَهَا وَأعَارَهَا
طَرْفًا فَأهْدَتْ لِلْغَزَالِ فُنُونَا