
I sacrifice for him a full moon above the branch of softness

أفديه بدرا فوق غصن النقا

1. I sacrifice for him a full moon above the branch of softness
Colored in gaze, beautiful in glance

١. أفْدِيهِ بَدْراً فوْقَ غُصْنِ النَّقَا
مُلَوَّنَ الطَّرْفِ شَهِيَّ اللَّعَسْ

2. The spring of life flows on his cheek
And the green down is immersed in it

٢. عَيْنُ الحَيَا تَجْرِي عَلَى خَدّهِ
وَالخَضِرُ العارض فيهِ انْغَمَسْ