
Who is like Ahmad or who can compare to him

من مثل أحمد أو من ذا يشابهه

1. Who is like Ahmad or who can compare to him
Even if you imagine perfection, he surpasses it

١. مَنْ مثل أحمدَ أو مَنْ ذا يُشابِهُه
وَلْو فَرَضْت كَمَالاً مَا تَعَدَّاه

2. Or how can he be described when the Lord of the universe chose him
He attained what no other creature attained but him

٢. أم كيف يُحكى ورب الكوْنِ نَوَّلَهُ
ما لَمْ يَنَلْهُ منَ المَخْلوقِ إلاَّهُ