
Smiled from a cheek set in a dimple,

تبسم عن أقاح في لجين

1. Smiled from a cheek set in a dimple,
And unveiled a crescent on his brow,

١. تَبَسَّمَ عَنْ أقَاحِ فِي لُجَيْنِ
وَأسْفَرَ عَنْ هِلاَلٍ فِي جَبِينِ

2. And matched his cheek with the rays of comfort,
So we brought together the two lights.

٢. وَقَابَلَ خَدَّهُ بِشُعَاعِ رَاحٍ
فَخِلْنَا الجمعَ بين النَيِّرَيْنِ