
Many a full moon I embraced slender of waist,

رب بدر ضممت بانة قده

1. Many a full moon I embraced slender of waist,
And kissed a gazelle with cheeks of rose so chaste,

١. رُبَّ بَدْر ضَمَمْتُ بَانَةَ قَدّهْ
وَغَزَال لَثَمْتُ وَرْدَةَ خَدّهْ

2. In meadows I dispelled my cares and sadness,
And joy I drank from the pure spring of friendship graced.

٢. وَرِيَاض جَلَيْتُ فِيهَا هُمُومِي
وَسُرُور سُقِيتُ صَافِيَ وِدّهْ

3. A time when love unbroken I was blessed to taste,
With one whose knot of curls my hand fondly traced.

٣. وَزَمَان قَطَعْتُ فِيهِ وِصَالاً
بِحَبِيب حَلَلْتُ عُقْدَةَ بَنْدِهْ

4. My father! The cushions' pain he bore in silence,
And sipped the bitter cup unveiled by fate morose,

٤. بِأبِي ألْعَسَ المَرَاشِفِ ألْمَى
جَرَّعَ الصَّبَّ مِنْ مَرَارَة صَدّهْ

5. His hair turned white, his form bent low in cadence,
Like rod weighed down by coat of mail threadbare from blows.

٥. أسْبَلَ الشَّعْرَ وَانْثَنَى فَتَثَنَّى
كَقَضِيب يَجُرُّ فَاضِلَ بُرْدِهْ

6. His cheeks he cast on dusty cheeks conferring,
My soul and senses in confusion he did toss.

٦. مَدَّ صُدْغاً عَلَى الخُدُودِ فَأوْدَى
مُهْجَتِي وَالْحَشَا بِأرَقَمِ جَعْدِهْ

7. In his eyelids slumbered swords as thunder stirring,
And lightning in his glance flashed bright beyond all bounds.

٧. وَنَضَا اللَّحْظَ فِي الجُفُونِ حُسَاماً
جَازَ فِي الحَدّ عَنْ نِهَايَةِ حَدّهْ