
What ails the anemones when the meadow dons attire

ما للشقائق إذ أبدى الربى زهرا

1. What ails the anemones when the meadow dons attire
Of flowers that gleam like pearls in rows close set?

١. مَا لِلشَّقَائِقِ إذْ أبْدَى الرُّبَى زَهَراً
يَفْتَرُّ عَنْ مبسمٍ كَالدُّرّ مُنْتَضَدِ

2. Their hearts grow black with envy of the light they bear
Until the very anemones are tinged with jet.

٢. اسْوَدَّ بَاطِنُهَا مِنْ نُورِهَا حَسَداً
حَتَّى الشقَائِق لاَ تَخْلُو مِنَ الحسدِ