
The palace, the palm trees, and the sand dunes between them

ألقصر فالنخل فالجماء بينهما

1. The palace, the palm trees, and the sand dunes between them
Are dearer to my heart than the gates of Girona

١. أَلقَصرُ فالنَخلُ فَالجَمّاءُ بَينَهُما
أَشهى إِلى القَلبِ مِن أَبوابِ جَيرونِ

2. To the court, though its likenesses have not attained
Abodes that recoiled from vulgarity and baseness

٢. إِلى البَلاطِ فَما حَازَت قَرَائِنُهُ
دُورٌ نَزَحنَ عَن الفَحشاءِ والهونِ

3. People may conceal secrets while I know them
And they cannot attain what I keep hidden for ages

٣. قَد تَكتُمُ الناسُ أَسراراً وَأَعلَمُها
وَلا يَنالونَ طِوالَ الدَهرِ مَكنوني

4. Affection for them does not diminish from me after their homes
Nor will the vicissitudes of this life ever console me

٤. لا يَصرِمُ الوُدَّ مِنّي بُعدُ دارِهُم
وَلا تَطاولُ هَذا الدَهرِ يُسليَني