
O sons of blackness, would that you had patience

هلا صبرتم بني السوداء أنفسكم

1. O sons of blackness, would that you had patience
Until you die as died the sons of Asad

١. هَلّا صَبَرتُم بَني السوداء أَنفُسَكُم
حَتّى تَموتوا كَما ماتَت بَنو أَسَدِ

2. The sons of Asad defended the glory of their first ones
While you are like ostriches scattered in the desert

٢. حامَت بَنو أَسَدٍ عَن مَجدِ أَوَّلِها
وَأَنتُمُ كَنَعامِ القَاعَةِ الشُّرُدِ