
Is it true that our neighbors have chosen

أحقا أن جيرتنا استحبوا

1. Is it true that our neighbors have chosen
The sorrowful plains in this desolate land

١. أَحَقاً أَنَّ جيرَتَنا استَحَبّوا
حُزونَ الأَرضِ بِالبَلَدِ السَخاخِ

2. To the furthest horizon, over the dunes
To uprising, with weapons brandished at hand

٢. إِلى عُقرِ الأَباطِحَ مِن ثَبيرٍ
إِلى ثَورٍ فمَدفَعٍ ذي مُراخِ

3. For such were their homes, nothing remains
Save ruins and traces in vacant sand

٣. فَتِلكَ ديارُهُم لَم يَبقَ مِنها
سِوى طَلَلِ المُعَرَّسِ والمُناخِ

4. And in their halls sang maidens so fair
Soft limbs upon carpets, delight in demand

٤. وَقَد تَغنى بِها في الدارِ حُورٌ
نَواعِمُ في المَجاسِدِ كالإِراخِ

5. My longing for loved ones when they went away
Was like that of rain for the thirsty sand

٥. وَوَجدي بِالأَحِبَّةِ يَومَ بانوا
كَوَجدِ الصادِ بِالماءِ النُقاخِ

6. My pact and my promise to them will remain
Strong, not to soften or come undone

٦. وَوَجدي دائِمٌ لَهُم وَعَهدي
مَتينٌ ما يَعودُ إِلى انفِساخِ