
By my life, if God does not bring us together again

لعمري لئن لم يجمع الله بيننا

1. By my life, if God does not bring us together again
With what He wills, we will only grow further apart

١. لَعمري لَئن لَم يَجمَعِ اللَهُ بَينَنا
بِما شاءَ لا نَزدادُ إِلّا تَنائيا

2. I count the nights since you left and I was not
With the life I have lost, I count the nights

٢. أَعُدُّ اللّيالي إِذ نَأيتَ وَلَم أَكُن
بِما زَلَّ مِن عَيشي أَعُدُّ اللّياليا

3. I fear the cessation of life without seeing you again
In a land, even had I wished myself desires

٣. أَخافُ اِنقِطاعَ العَيشِ دونَ لِقائِكُم
بِأَرضٍ وَلَو مَنَّيتُ نَفسي الأَمانيا

4. When the one in longing weeps, I listen to him
And console him in longing as long as he cries

٤. إِذا ما بَكى ذو الشَجوِ أَصغَيتُ نَحوَهُ
وَآسَيتُهُ بِالشَجوِ مادامَ باكيا