
From the ruins of Mekka's idols and date palms,

أمن طلل بالجزع من مكة السدر

1. From the ruins of Mekka's idols and date palms,
Between the clefts of the rugged and barren valley,

١. أَمِن طَلَلِ بِالجِزعِ مِن مَكَّةَ السِدرِ
عَفا بَينَ أَكنافِ المُشَقَّرِ فالحَضرِ

2. I rested while the people rested without need
From the morning hours until the declining afternoon.

٢. ظَلِلتُ وَظَلَّ القَومُ مِن غَيرِ حاجَةٍ
لَدُن غُدوَةٍ حَتّى دَنَت حَزَّةُ العَصرِ

3. They weep for Layla's ancient vows,
Yet why should the people weep for an abandoned abode?

٣. يُبَكُّونَ مِن لَيلى عُهوداً قَديمةً
وَماذا يُبَكّي القَومُ مِن مَنزِلٍ قَفرِ