1. The ruins whose traces faded away
After me, while their ornaments changed into heaps of dust,
١. أَعَرفتَ أَطلالَ الرُسّومِ تَنَكَّرَت
بَعدي وبُدِّلَ آيهُنَّ دُثورا
2. And after the loved ones changed with their dwellers
Becoming a pasture for foxes that graze and walk around.
٢. وَتَبدَّلَت بَعدَ الأَنيسِ بِأَهلِها
عُفراً بواغِمَ يَرتَعينَ وُعورا
3. From every new misfortune you see for it
A shoulder like the mound of sand and abundant good.
٣. مِن كُلِّ مُصيبَةِ الحَديثِ تَرى لَها
كَفَلاً كَرابيَةِ الكَثيبِ وَثيرا
4. Leave this and have you seen our she-camels
That brought their young ones while still embryonic.
٤. دَع ذا وَلَكِن هَل رَأَيتَ ظَعائِناً
قَرَّبنَ أَجمالاً لَهُنَّ بُكورا
5. They brought every weak and suffering she-camel
Resembling their humps like graves.
٥. قَرَّبنَ كُلَّ مُخَيَّسٍ مُتَحَمِّلٍ
بُزلاً تُشَبِّهُ هامَهُنَّ قُبورا
6. They flirt without ever getting bored of every heedless one
Filling him with their conversation and pleasure.
٦. يَفتِنَّ لا يَأَلونَ كُلَّ مُغَفَّلٍ
يَملَأنَهُ بِحَدِيثِهِنَّ سُرورا
7. O house that decay has made decay
And after you the winds blew over it becoming desolate
٧. يا دارُ حَسَّرها البِلى تَحسيرا
وَسَفَت عَلَيها الريحُ بَعدَكِ بورا
8. The soil covered its palm trees, so it became inhabited
By their balconies and walked slowly.
٨. دَقَّ التُرابُ نَخيلَهُ فَمُخَيِّمٌ
بِعِراصِها وَمُسَيِّرٌ تَسييرا
9. O land of good news, if decay has harmed you
I knew you inhabited and populated.
٩. يا رَبعَ بِشرَةَ إِن أَضَرَّ بِكَ البِلى
فَلَقَد عَهِدتُكَ آهِلا مَعمورا
10. After their successors, it is as if
The carpets were laid out between them.
١٠. عَقَبَ الرَذاذُ خِلافَهُم فَكَأَنَّما
بَسَطَ الشَواطِبُ بَينَهُنَّ حَصيرا
11. If after long connection, your rope is touched
By people, and your house becomes deserted,
١١. إِن يُمسِ حَبلُكِ بَعدَ طول تَواصُلٍ
خَلَقاً وَيُصبِح بَيتُكُم مَهجورا
12. It showed me, while the new one is to decay
For a time, with your connection, content and happy.
١٢. فَلَقَد أَراني والجَديدُ إِلى بِلىً
زَمَناً بِوَصلِكِ قانِعاً مَسرورا
13. Arguing with my money with you, I do not seek
Anything but you as solace and company.
١٣. جَدِلاً بِمالي عِندَكُم لا أَبتَغي
لِلنَفسِ غَيرَكِ خُلَّةً وَعَشيرا
14. You were my wish and dearer than the pebbles
To me and with that I was to you worthy.
١٤. كُنتِ المُنى وَأَعزَّ مَن وَطيءَ الحَصى
عِندي وَكُنتُ بِذاكَ مِنكِ جَديرا