
His eloquence's brilliance outshone

وأروع أمجد قرظته

1. His eloquence's brilliance outshone
the full moons' radiant light.

١. وَأَروَعَ أَمجَدَ قَرَّظَتهُ
وَبيضُ اللَآلي لِبيضِ النُحورِ

2. Wine illuminated his character -
pearls flashing forth from shells.

٢. وَشَعشَعَتِ الخَمرُ أَخلاقَهُ
فَأَطلَعَها غُرَراً لِلبُدورِ

3. His manners cut like sharpened swords.
Who can pass through this dense thicket?

٣. وَهاتيكَ آدابُهُ لُجَّةٌ
فَمَن لي زَخَرَت بِالعُبورِ

4. His cup was never noisy in his hand,
but laughing with delight.

٤. وَما أَرغَتِ الكَأسُ في كَفِّهِ
وَلَكِنَّها ضَحِكَت عَن سُرورِ

5. When inspiration flowed across his page
wild deer racing with ink of gold.

٥. إِذا ماجَرى فَوقَ قُرطاسِهِ
يَراعٌ جَرى حِبرُهُ بِالحُبورِ

6. We kiss the form of those leaves
and cuddle the lines of that prose.

٦. فَنَلثُمُ أَوضاعَ تِلكَ الرِقاعِ
وَلُعسَ مَراشِفِ تِلكَ السُطورِ

7. Can we save him from dark blame
or rescue his whiteness from ruin?

٧. فَهَل نِقسُهُ مِن سَوادِ اللَمى
وَمُهرَقَهُ مِن بَياضِ الثُغورِ