
O sight, if you glance upon its splendor

يا منظرا إن رمقت بهجته

1. O sight, if you glance upon its splendor
Remind me of the beauty of the eternal garden

١. يا منظراً إن رمقت بهجته
أذكرني حسن جنَّةِ الخلد

2. The soil of musk and the air of ambergris
And clouds of soft silk and rose water

٢. تربة مسكٍ وجو عنبرةٍ
وغيم ند وطش ما ورد

3. And the water like lazuli in which
Precious gems and lions' mouths are strung

٣. والماء كاللازورد قد نظمت
فيه اللآلي فواغر الأسد

4. As if the particles of dust in it
Play at its banks with dice

٤. كأنما جائل الحباب به
يلعب في حافتيه بالنرد

5. You see it flourishing when
The Almighty's glory smiles with bracelets

٥. تراه يزدهي إذا يحل به ال
قادر زهو الكعاب بالعقد

6. You'd think that if a moon appeared in it
It would appear as it does in the auspicious ascendant

٦. تخاله إن بدا به قمرا
تما بدا في مطالع السعد

7. As if its gardens were clothed
In the glory and honor they obtained

٧. كأنما أُلبِست حدائقه
ما حاز من شيمة ومن مجد

8. As if its obligatory acts of worship
Were watered by thunderbolts from His right hand

٨. كأنما جادها فروضها
بوابلٍ من يمينه رعد

9. It remains in double majesty
Seeking its course and watering alkaline soil

٩. لا زال في عزة مضاعفةٍ
ميمم الرِفد وارِيَ الزندِ
