
My heart is a talent that its endurance has dried it

فؤادي قريح قد جفاه اصطباره

1. My heart is a talent that its endurance has dried it
And my tears refused except to flow abundantly

١. فؤادي قريحٌ قد جفاه اصطباره
ودمعي أبت إلا انسكابا غزاره

2. The young man is delighted with life while it destroys him
And he is deceived by the world though it is not his abode

٢. يسر الفتى بالعيش وهو مبيده
ويغتر بالدنيا وما هي داره

3. And in the lessons of days there is for man a preacher
If his thoughts and considerations in them are sound

٣. وفي عبر الأيام للمرء واعظ
إذا صح فيها فكره واعتباره

4. So think not, O oblivious of fate, it is silent
For the clearest thing is its night and day

٤. فلا تحسبن يا غافل الدهر صامتا
فأفصح شيءٍ ليله ونهاره

5. Listen to the whispering of time, for it
Will spare you the utterance of speech by its secrets

٥. أصخ لمناجاة الزمان فأنه
سيغينك عن جهر المقال سراره

6. Pass around to the departed a cup, for all of them
Its meanings were made lawful and their homes were demolished

٦. إدار على الماضين كأسا فكلهم
أبيحت مغانيه وأقوت دياره

7. And none of them were protected from drinking of the cup
The wrangling of fate and its contentions

٧. ولم يحمهم من أن يسقوا بكأسهم
تناوش أطراف القنا واشتجاره

8. And the turns of fortune exhausted Abu Abd al-Malik
Though he was once, his gambling was not permitted

٨. وغالت أبا عبد المليك صروفه
وقد كان دهراً لا يباح ذماره

9. So he became obscured, and he was a connection
And he ended isolated, while he is valued his shrine

٩. فأصبح مجفوا وقد كان واصلاً
وأمسى قصيا وهو دانٍ مزاره

10. I do not forget when the dove took his soul
So nothing remained but his deeds and his generosity

١٠. ولم أنس إذ أودى الحمام بنفسه
فلم يبق إلا فعله وادكاره

11. When my eyes are softened, their sorrows unleash
The grief of sadness, which tyranny provoked

١١. إذا رقات عيني استهلت شؤونها
لمأتم حزن قد أرن صواره

12. This replies to that in its weeping
Like the cooing of doves when their young ones were taken

١٢. تجاوب هذي تلك عند بكائها
كترجيع شول حين حنت عشاره

13. As if he did not exist, like the watchman who fears its swooping
An enemy, and hopes for its downpour in the floodplain

١٣. كأن لم يكن كالمزن يرهب صعقه
عدو ويرجى في المحول انهماره

14. But by Ali, Marwan's affliction
Stirred a sorrow that ignites a fire in the heart

١٤. أما وعلي مروان أن مصابة
أثار أسىً تذكى على القلب ناره

15. So no drink except its purity is disturbed
And no sleep except its warmth has turned away

١٥. فلا شرب إلا قد تكدر صفوه
ولا نوم إلا قد تجافى غيراره

16. Which noble virtue made clear its clouds?
And whose poetry of the eminent has come to circulate?

١٦. فأي حيا للفضل أجلى غمامه
ونظمٍ من العلياء حان انتشاره

17. Glory has vanished from Marwan and his towering heights leaned
And found in the glory of tombs its substitute

١٧. خوى المجد من مروان وانهد طوده
وجد بمجد المرمات عثاره

18. And morning has not dawned after him with an eye
Whose meadow remains verdant in its greenery

١٨. وما خلت أن الصبح يشرق بعده
لعينٍ وإن الروض يبقى اخضراره

19. So O lofty pillar that shook the ground in its firmness
And full moon that saddened the people in its eclipse

١٩. فيا طود عز زلزل الأرض هده
وبدر علا راع الأنام انكداره

20. Congratulations to the grandfather who tomorrow contained
The unique perfume and settled glory in it

٢٠. هنيئاً للحد ضم شلوك أن غدا
عميد الندى والمجد فيه قراره

21. And I have not seen a pearl whose shells the earth covered
Nor a full moon that took refuge in the soil

٢١. ولم أر درّاً قطُّ أصدافه الثرى
ولا بدر تمٍّ في التراب مغاره

22. Condolences, O Banu Abd al-Aziz, though
Its shelter of glory and its beacon have emptied

٢٢. عزاءً بني عبد العزيز وإن خلا
من المجد مغناه وهد مناره

23. For you are for this crack a consoler and healer
Though severe its pain and unbearable

٢٣. ففيكم لهذا الصدع آسٍ وجابرٌ
وإن كان صعباً أسوه وانجباره

24. For you is the noble lineage that established its foundations
Abu Bakr al-Sari its carpenter for you

٢٤. لكم شرف أرسى قواعد بيته
أبو بكر الساري إليكم نجاره

25. O excellent vizier whose mention scented the earth
And the blossoms of spears were humbled by his superiority

٢٥. أجل وزير عطر الأرض ذكره
واخجل زهر النيرات فخاره

26. Had the eminent a neck and a protector
From you would be its choker and bracelet

٢٦. فلو كان للعلياء جيدٌ ومعصم
لأصبح منكم عقده وسواره
