
I swore by a mouth whose sweet saliva was inflamed,

حلفت بثغر قد حمى ريقه العذبا

1. I swore by a mouth whose sweet saliva was inflamed,
And over which bitterness flowed from his complaints,

١. حلفتُ بثغر قد حمى ريقهُ العذبا
وسل عليه من لواحظه عَضُبا

2. The joy of seeing him took away the sadness of yearning,
And my beloved's reproach was followed by affection,

٢. وفَرحةِ لقيا أذهبت ترحة النوى
وعُتبى حبيبِ هاجر أعقبت عَتبا

3. He shook my side with the belt of Ibn Jawshan,
With joy as the morning breeze shook a moist branch,

٣. لقد هز عِطفي بالقريض ابن جوشن
سروراً كما هزت صبا غصناً رطبا

4. He made me feel the comfort of tranquility, until I thought
I was an ally who had attained intimate nearness through his love,

٤. كساني ارتياحَ الراح حتى حسبتني
حَليفَ بِعاد نال من حُبه قربا

5. And he made me so joyful that people called me a youth,
And said that after his advanced age he had become youthful again,

٥. وأطربني حتى دعاني الورى فتىً
وقالوا كبير بعد كَبرتِه شَبّا

6. As if singing and beating drums excited my joy,
And I heard no singing or beating,

٦. كأن المثاني والمثالثَ هيجت
سروري ولم أسمع غِناء ولا ضربا

7. So O you who intend to travel, say to Ibn Jawshan,
The words of a lover whose saliva did not dry up,

٧. فيا مُزمِع الترحال قل لابنِ جوشن
مقال محب لم يشب جدُّه لِعاب

8. Make comfortable his bed for me and compose for me,
Poems whose composition delighted me,

٨. أمهدي سجاياه إلي وناظما
لي الشهب عِقداً راقني نظمه عُجبا

9. I did not refrain from bestowing favors whenever possible,
On a bed, though time composes the gray hair,

٩. وما خِلتُ إهداء الشمائل ممكناً
لمهد وإن الدهرَ ينتظمُ الشهبا

10. Did Abdullah attain from the magic of Babylon,
Some share, so he nurtured or embraced this world and money?

١٠. فهل نال عبدُ اللَه من سحر بابل
نًصيبا فأربى أو حوى الدهي والأربا

11. To let him know the superiority I gained through his generosity,
And the excellent poetry whose teacher I had become for him,

١١. لِيَنِك فضل حُزت من خَصلهِ المَدى
ونظم بديع قد غدوتُ له ربّا

12. And here is a greeting emanating from affection,
With which I filled my chest and heart,

١٢. وهاك سلاماً صادراً عن مودةٍ
عَمَرتُ به منّي الجوانح والقلبا